Q. Please tell us about the Online Solution you are offering for Insurance Agency.

A. InsureBox is a cloud based Insurance Agency/Intermediary management solution. Since many intermediaries deal with multiple insurance companies – it becomes challenging to compile renewal data monthly and sending timely renewals to their client and manage insurance policies.

Q. Is the Software also useful for Insurance Brokers?

A. Yes please, we focus on providing solutions to all forms of Insurance Advisors and to empower them digitally and help improve their business work flow and efficiency . Brokers are an essential part of the ecosystem.

Q. What if the Insurance Advisors are using any other software to manage their operations. Can it be integrated with existing software.

A. Our software is very user friendly and the learning curve is very short. Within an hour or so they can take full control of the software. They can simply transfer their insurance data from their existing software to InsureBox and start using it immediately.

Q. Client servicing is one of the major pain points for Insurance Advisors. How can this solution help to provide better service to policyholders?

A. Precisely, our goal is to provide a solution for all the stake holders. To make it easier for the Insurance advisors we will also be providing a web & mobile app for their clients so they can view download policies or relevant insurance documents with just a click.

Q. Does the software has the facility to connect with customers through emails, whatsapp, sms

A. Policies , insurance relevant documents , renewal reminders all can be sent from InsureBox software with just a click. We will also be integrating whatsapp communication from the InsureBox.

Q. Can leads of new customers be managed/followed up through it

A. Yes, we would also be having a lead management system whereby all new leads , conversion , reports can be tracked.

Q. Any other information you would like to share.

A. Thanks. We are coming up with a lot of innovative solutions to empower the insurance advisors which would help to grow their business and improve their efficiency.

Series Navigation<< Interview with Dr V V K Mohan Principal, IIRMInterview with Mr. Suresh Mathur Managing Director, IIRM >>


This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series June 2022 - Insurance Times


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