A Graduate in Mechanical Engineering from JNTU (1983) holds Post Graduate Diploma in management from IRMA and PhD in Commerce and Management in the area Marketing Management.

With over thirty four years of industry experience in Marketing, Advertising, Communication Interventions, Project Management for varied sectors. Handled numerous product launches and consultancy assignments for Government, Non-government and Multinational Companies. Concept marketing and awareness creation campaigns on social issues. Benchmark studies on resource management, development indicators and Sectoral interventions for Planning Commission and also for AP State Council of Science and Technology. Published various papers on Zero based budgeting, Management Information systems, Financial Control systems and research studies for Institute of Public Enterprise. IEC Consultant for World Bank funded AP Economic Restructuring Project on Health. Resource person on Training for corporate and government personnel on and teaching methodologies, communication and other soft skills.

Concurrently as Adjunct Professor for more than three decades has been teaching, developing curricula and other academic initiatives for various prestigious Management Institutes and reputed Engineering Colleges.

Currently Principal, IIRM since three years heading the academic activity and shaping the institute as Centre of excellence and Institute of National Importance.

Q. Please tell us about the current academic programmes being offered by IIRM.

Currently, our Institute is offering two programs, the flagship program being the 2-year Post Graduate Diploma in Management with dual specializations in the areas of Insurance, Risk Management, Actuarial Science, Business Analytics, Finance, Operations Management, HR and Marketing. The other program we are also offering one year Post Graduate Certificate in Management focusing mainly on Insurance, Risk Management and Actuarial Science. Both the programs are approved by AICTE.

Q. Apart from regular academic programmes, are you offering programmes in distance mode also.

The Institute has been offering programs in Distance mode since a decade. The programs which are most popular in the distance mode where we have students from across the globe are International Post Graduate Diploma program in the area of Insurance and Risk Management. Recently, we have also added a new program in the area of Re-Insurance.

Q. How has been the placement of students in last few years?

Our Institute has been industry centric since its inception. Hence, placements have been 100%. Further, with the addition of our 2-year program, the Institute continues its 100% placement achievement till date and every year we have seen a 50% raise in the average CTCs that are being offered by the industry to the students.

Q. With disruption in global supply chain in product and services due to Covid 19, the Risk Management has assumed significant importance. How is your institute gearing up to prepare your students to face challenges in dynamic environment and make them future ready.

One of the key drivers of our Institute’s activity is student’s industry orientation. Due to this, we are in constant touch with the Industry and based on their inputs we modify our curriculum to make them ready for the industry by the time they graduate from the Institute. Thus, it is not just one aspect, the changes which happen in the environment, any aspect, which is relevant to the industry and which needs to be imparted to the students, we are always ahead in doing it. As far as Risk Management is concerned, it is a compulsory course to all the students and they are also exposed to the annual seminar which we conduct on Risk Management. Thereby enabling them to be future ready understanding the challenges in the dynamic environment and also develop appropriate strategies to face the risks. The industry feedback regarding our students who have been in the areas of Risk in those organizations has been very encouraging which proves that our efforts in preparing our students to the changing environment are working effectively in the real life situation.

Q. Apart from academic programmes are you offering regular training programmes for the Industry. Also do you have any Continuous Professional Development programmes for alumnus of IIRM.

IIRM regularly conducts training programs for the working professionals of the Insurance industry. Hence, continuously offering programs in the emerging areas of interest by the industry to the working professionals. All our training programs are an open invitation to our alumnus, wherein, they can hone their skills and upskill periodically to become contemporary in terms of knowledge and skills irrespective of their domains they are working in. As IIRM believes learning is life long and we always encourage our alumnus to be part of our any development programs.

Q. What is your current intake capacity and do you plan to increase the capacity in near future.

AICTE approved intake for the PGDM program is 180 admissions and PGCM program is 60 admissions as on date. As you are aware, the infrastructure available is just sufficient to cater to the requirements of this intake and hence we will be planning to increase the capacity only when we improve our infrastructure. Plans are under way for the phase 2 of the development of infrastructure at IIRM.

Q. Do you have any plans to grow across the border and reach out to other international markets?

As of now we are consolidating ourselves in the Indian markets and are in the process of preparing content and software for us to take advantage of the growing international markets with the help of online delivery. Further, we are also actively in discussions with number of international Institutes for collaborations and exchange programs.

Q. Would like to share any other development or new initiatives of IIRM?

Apart from 8-School initiatives, IIRM is currently focusing on Research and Consultancy, Publications and training activity as a part of its industry connect and contribution to the sector. Within a short span of time, these initiatives would be delivering results thus making our Institute industry relevant from all angles.

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This entry is part 8 of 11 in the series June 2022 - Insurance Times


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