Editorial Board – The Insurance Times

Editor-in-Chief’s Desk
Ram Gopal Agarwala

Dr. Rakesh Agarwal

Editorial Advisory Board
Dr. B. K. Jha
Prof. (Dr.) Abhijeet K. Chattoraj
Dr. Binod Atreya, Nepal
Mr. Syed Moinuddin Ahmed, Bangladesh

Assistant Editors
Roli Agarwal
Niyati Agarwal

Resident Editors
Vazir Ahmed Khan, Secunderabad
V. K. Agarwal, Agra
R. K. Sharma, Jaipur
Shaik Gulam Afzal Biya Bani, Saudi Arabia
C. K.Bhatia, Delhi
Ganesh Iyer, Mumbai
R. Venugopal, Bangalore
Jaswanth Singh G, Mysore
Dr. Daleep Pandita, Jammu & Kashmir
Mokammel Hossain, Bangladesh

Profile of Our Editors

Sri Ram Gopal Agarwal
B.Com, LL.B, F.C.A
Chief Editor
The Insurance Times

Mr. Agarwala a Chartered Accountant by profession and has over 40 years of experience in the financial industry. He is the first Chartered Accountant Surveyor in eastern India. He launched the first monthly journal on insurance in India The Insurance Times way back in the year 1981 and the journal has come a long way to celebrate silver Jubilee of its publication in the year 2005.

The journal was launched in a period when there was no material on insurance available in India and still, our journal is the leading journal on insurance in India. He also launched three other monthly journals viz Banking Finance and PR Communication Age and Life Insurance Today which are also the leading publications in their respective fields. He has been instrumental in organizing several seminars on different topics all over India on insurance and risk management.

rakesh agarwal photoDr. Rakesh Agarwal
Editor, The Insurance Times, Banking Finance
Secretary General, Risk Management Association of India

Dr. Rakesh Agarwal is the Editor of the journal The Insurance Times and Banking Finance

He is a Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and a Fellow member of the Insurance Institute of India. Besides above he is having a degree in Bachelor of Law & Legislature, Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication, Masters in Business Management. He has also passed the Insurance Brokers examination conducted by NIA, Pune. He has completed his Doctoral research in Risk Management in Indian Industries.

He has attended several Seminars and Conferences on insurance & banking. He has authored many books on insurance and he is having vast experience in insurance journalism.
