Editorial Guidelines – The Insurance Times

Name of the Journal




Published Since


Published From

Kolkata, West Bengal, India


All India, Middle East, African Countries,USA, UK, Australia, Japan, Indonesia,  including SAARC Countries

Registered Office

The Insurance Times, 25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata – 700007, India

Contact Information


Email: insurance.kolkata@gmail.com

Website: www.sashipublications.com


Editor in Chief

CA Ram Gopal Agarwala



Dr Rakesh Agarwal


Associate Editor

CA Shyam Agarwal

Area of Coverage

We publish articles on General Insurance, Life Insurance, Risk Management, Reinsurance and all areas related to Insurance Industry

ISSN Number

ISSN 0971-4480

RNI Number


Online Edition

Online Edition being published

Submission Guidelines

Authors should submit two copies of their manuscript in hardcopy format, clearly typed with double spacing on A4 Size paper; Font Size 12; Font Times New Roman. Author should also submit soft copy of the article by Email at insurance.kolkata@gmail.com. The Size of the article should not exceed 3000 words. All the articles should be accompanied by an abstract of the article and a brief profile of authors. 


References must be typed on a separate page, double-spaced, at the end of the paper. They must have complete information: Journal, Volume / no, Year of Publication, pages and names of authors. 

Review Process

All the articles received by us are referred to our Editorial Committee. Our Editorial Committee consists of Eminent Professors, Academicians, Renowned bankers, Finance Professionals who undertake the review in 3 stage process. Only after all review reports are received decision to Accept / Send back for Revision / Reject is taken by the Editorial Committee.


Cutoff Date for Publication is 20th of Every month. The Article will be published only if approved by the board

Ethical Guidelines

It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that all references and citations are correct, and the submissions do not contain any material that infringes copyright or is defamatory, obscene or otherwise unlawful or litigious. The copyright of the manuscript will vest with the Journal. Due accreditation will be given to the authors. 

Every submission shall be accompanied by declaration by the author/s to the effect that it is his or her original work and not published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The submissions will undergo a double blind peer-review process. 

The Editorial Board reserves the right for modification of the manuscript to maintain the standard and quality of the submission. The board will notify its decision and other relevant information through email. If continuous infringement is noticed, the author shall be banned from submitting any articles in future.

The article should be the original work and should not have been created by Artificial Intelligence tool. Any data/Statistics used in the article should be properly verified and cross checked.
