Tata AIG’s Home Secure Supreme is a flexible home insurance plan which can be customized for Individual needs. The plan offers you 15 comprehensive coverage options to choose from.

Key Features


  • Offers new benefits like purchase protection, medical expenses, temporary resettlement expenses.
  • Totally Customizable: it gives you the flexibility to choose not only from the cover options but also the sum insured as per your need.
  • Jewellery and Valuables are being offered as an all risk cover as a part of this particular plan.


It offers you coverage for loss / damage due to the following


Benefits Include: Explosion / Implosion, Aircraft Damage caused by aircraft, Riot, Strike, Malicious Damage cover, Damages due to Impact by rail / road vehicle or animal, Bursting and / or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes, Missile Testing operations, Leakage from Automatic Sprinkler Installations, Lightning, Loss caused by Storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood and Inundation, Destruction by subsidence of part of the site on which the property stands or landslide, Bush Fire

Cover includes: Building, Contents, Rent for Alternative accommodation, covers additional expenses on rent incurred by you in case of loss or damage to the premises caused by an insured peril rendering the premises unfit for occupation and forcing you to shift to an alternative accommodation for a maximum period of 30 days, Impact damage by own vehicle

  • Public Liability: Covers your legal liability as a house owner towards others (third parties) and your domestic helps.
  • Burglary: Provides automatic protection for newly purchased articles against fire and burglary up to 30 days from the date of purchase
  • Purchase Protection: Provides automatic protection for newly purchased articles against fire and burglary up to 30days from the date of purchase.
  • Pedal Cycle: It covers your pedal cycle comprehensively against accidental damages. Additionally it also covers liability towards third party injury and/ or property damage up to Rs.10, 000 only.
  • Plate Glass: Securely fixed plate glass (e.g. windows) is covered against accidental loss or damage resulting into breakage.
  • Baggage: Your accompanied baggage is protected even while you travel. Any accidental loss or damage and theft of personal baggage during the travel is covered anywhere in India.
  • Audio Visual Appliance: It covers Fire, Burglary, Theft, Legal Liability, accidental damages and breakdowns associated with audio and audio visual equipment
  • Domestic Appliance: It covers your domestic appliances like Refrigerator against the risk of unforeseen and sudden mechanical and /or electrical breakdown.
  • Marine: In case you need to relocate to a different city or a different household in the same city, Home Secure will hold your possessions protected against loss or damage during transit in case of an accident to the carrying vehicle or if the entire goods are not delivered.
  • Personal Accident: Home Secure provides Personal Accident cover to your entire family on account of death, permanent total or partial disablement and Medical expenses and Ambulance charges up to specified limits related to and arising out of accident.
  • Medical Expense : Hospital expenses due to accidents causing death / PTD.
  • Ambulance Charge: Ambulance charges due to accident.
  • Expenses for Temporary Resettlement: In case your home has been rendered uninhabitable due to fire, Home Secure covers the cost of packing and transportation (up to specified limits) of your household goods to an alternative residence.
  • Money : Dispossession of money withdrawn from a Bank branch or Automated Teller Machine (ATM) on your way back home due to robbery or hold-up.

Who should buy this insurance?

Anyone who resides in self owned or rented house

How can I buy this insurance?

You can give us your details in the “Have us call you” form and we will get in touch with you shortly.

What is not covered under Tata AIG Home Secure Supreme?

  • Excess: The first Rs.250 (or 1 percent of respective sum insured in case of Television and /or Refrigerator, whichever is higher) of every claim in respect of the Benefits of Fire, Burglary, and Baggage, Jewellery and valuables, cash in transit (Rs.100 in case of Pedal Cycle and Rs.1000 in case of transit of household goods)
  • Underinsurance : In case the actual value of insured property at the time of loss under Fire Benefit is found to be greater than the sum insured opted by you then the claim would stand to be reduced in the same proportion.
  • Wilful destruction of property, loss, damage or destruction caused by war perils, wear and tear and atmospheric conditions etc
  • Losses when premises are unoccupied beyond 60 consecutive days.
  • Terrorism Damage (unless specifically covered).


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