Apollo Munich Health Insurance, a leading stand-alone health insurance company, today launched ‘Optima RESTORE’, an ‘Unbelievable’ health insurance product.

Designed considering the changing customers needs and ever rising medical inflation, the company is confident that ‘Optima RESTORE’ will be able to bring about a paradigm shift in the health insurance sector.

Speaking about Optima Restore, Antony Jacob, CEO, Apollo Munich Health Insurance, said, “For the past four years, Apollo Munich has brought to the marketplace, unique and innovative products. Four years ago, we were the first health insurance company to bring in products without sub-limits and 100% lifelong coverage. Our parentage has helped shape many products, whose features are now being used as template for future products.”

‘Optima RESTORE’ has been developed over the past 17 months and is a result of lengthy actuarial research and analysis of 250 existing products, available across the globe. It’s RESTORE benefit automatically reinstates the basic sum insured in case the insured exhausts their sum insured in a policy year. The reinstated sum insured can be utilized to cover the insured against any other illness or in case anyone in the family (in case of a family floater) falls ill later. This unbelievable benefit is offered at no extra charge.

‘Optima RESTORE’ offers another unbelievable MULTIPLIER benefit to the customers who follow a healthy lifestyle. The Multiplier benefit is a never before renewal incentive. If the insured has had a claim free year, Apollo Munich will increase the basic sum insured by 50% and, if the second year too is claim free, then the basic sum insured is doubled. This unbelievable benefit is offered at no extra charge.

“‘Optima RESTORE’ is the first in a series of next generation products that we are planning to launch. It is based on our extensive research over the past 17 months and analysis of over 250 global products. ‘Optima RESTORE’ has been designed to offer complete comfort to health insurance consumers, since their coverage will increase whether they use up the plan, or don’t use it at all. Guaranteed, and with no extra charge,” said Mr. Jacob.

Other benefits such as true life long renewal, no geography restrictions or loading, no claims based underwriting, no sub-limits and a 4,000 plus strong network of cashless providers make ‘Optima RESTORE’ a health insurance plan with no compromises.

The launch will be backed by a 360 degree holistic marketing campaign.

Apollo Munich will make this product available through its sales network of 50 offices and 25,000 agents, as well as online and via telephone through a state-of-the art secure payment gateway.


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