New research is encouraging Australians to forgo their private health fund and make use of our public healthcare system.The report by Morgan Stanley shows health fund membership has declined from a peak of 47.4% in 2015 to 45.8% in September this year.Public Affairs Manager at Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association, Nigel Harding joins 4BC’s Chris Smith to explain the report.“That’s a decision for individuals to make as to whether it’s worth it or not, and whether it’s worth it or not depends on what value you place on the type of health care you receive.

“I know of no peer reviews which would suggest that the treatment and the quality of services you get in a public hospital are in any way inferior to the treatment and services you’d get in a private hospital.”A key factor in deciding between private or public is waiting times, but Harding says, “waiting times in public hospitals… have either stabilised or [are] coming down.“But people are getting less for their money. More things are being excluded from private health care policies.”



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