Along with the guide books for the 7 departments of PSU 1-5 exam we are also pleased to launch Online Mock Test for the exam. In online mock test a candidate can appear in online exam in each paper under exam conditions and test about their level of preparation.



The officers get limited opportunity for this exams so they must be very sure before attempting for the exams. One mistake may delay their promotion. So they must try their best to clear the exam in one attempt. Also the officers are short of time for preparation. So we try to prepare a tailormade solution so that they can pass in one attempt.Â

Price: Rs.500 for Online Mock Test.

Special Offer: Those who have purchased Scale 1-5 books from us will get this online mock test at a special discounted price of Rs. 300
OR If you subscribe our Journal The Insurance Times, you will get this mock test FREE of Cost.

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