The insurance industry is one of the most promising and emerging industries. Looking to the vast untapped potentials in our country of 100 crore people its importance gets even more prominent.

In days to come, the private players will expand their business all over the country for which they will need trained manpower. Insurance will be one of the most lucrative career options for job seekers. As the private players will spread out into smaller cities the demands for skilled workers will increase. In the insurance sector itself, there will be demand for marketing specialists, finance experts, human resource professionals, engineers from diverse streams like the petrochemical and power sectors, systems professionals, statisticians, and even medical professionals. The demand for underwriter’s claims management and actuaries will continue to remain high. Also needed would be advertising and sales promotion people for image building exercises.

Along with the regular jobs, a range of professionals linked with the sector will develop which includes sales agents and independent claims adjusters who will bring new opportunities to the surveyors. Opportunities will be created for those who are already working in the industry to upgrade their skills.



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