What is Bajaj Allianz Bharat Bhraman Policy?

Bajaj Allianz Bharat Bhraman Policy, is a domestic travel policy for all individuals travelling within India, for holiday/business/personal trips in common or private vehicles including bicycles. The first of its kind, this policy can be availed for e-commerce cabs as well. The period of this policy can be as short as one cab ride and can be as long as 365 days after which it has to be renewed. This policy primarily has five plans, which are

PLAN A for Travel by E- Commerce Cabs only

PLAN B for Travel by Bus only

PLAN C for Travel by Train only

PLAN D for Travel by Scheduled Airlines only

PLAN E for Travel by Other Modes/Multiple Modes of Transport

*An individual can opt for one or more policies depending on their travel itinerary

Basic Coverage

Personal Accident Cover

If during the policy period, the insured person sustains injuries which results in death, then the insurer will pay the Sum Insured to the insured person’s nominee or legal representatives.

Permanent total disability

If during the policy period, the insured person sustains accidental bodily injuries which result in permanent total disability, then the insurer will pay the Sum Insured to the insured person’s nominee or legal representatives. Permanent total disability, should mean any of the following

Loss of vision in one or both eyes.

Loss of ability to use both hands/feet or amputation of both hands/feet.

Loss of ability to use one hand/feet or amputation of one hand/feet.

Child Education Bonus

Under this domestic travel policy, if the company has accepted a claim under Death or Permanent Total Disability, then the company will make an additional onetime payment of 2% of Sum Insured, per dependent child towards the Cost of Education of up to two of your dependent children who were under the age of 21 and who were studying on the date you met with the Accidental Bodily Injury.

Specific Conditions

The dependent child/children must be studying at an accredited educational institution on the date of the Insured met with an Accidental Bodily Injury.

The age of a dependent child or children should not exceed 21 years.

Optional Covers

Apart from the base cover, this domestic travel policy offers a host of optional covers that can be purchased to offer


Anyone can apply for the Bajaj Allianz Bharat Bhraman, domestic travel policy.

There are no age restrictions for minimum or maximum age.

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This entry is part 6 of 15 in the series November 2017-Insurance Times


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