Ahmedabad Ombudsman Centre

Case No. 11 / 002 / 0219

Mrs. Gita Modi


The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.

Breakdown of Refrigerator – Claim under Housholder Policy – Surveyor reported that as there was on accidental break – down, claim is not payable. Respondent’s Regional Office spoke of no mechanical breakdown and as per Respondent’s repudiation letter, claim fell outside the scope of Policy. Lack of clarity and lack of uniformity observed in all these correspondences. The logic of repudiation is not convincing. Benefit of doubt given in favour of the Complainant. Repondent to pay Rs. 3,900/- to the Complainant.

Series Navigation<< Ahmedabad Ombudsman Upholds Repudiation of Jewellery Shop Loss Claim by New India AssuranceAhmedabad Ombudsman Orders ICICI Lombard to Pay Rs. 20,000 for Claim Under Shramik Suraksha Yojana >>


This entry is part 15 of 24 in the series October 2017-Insurance Times


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