Get the latest Statistics on Life Insurance Insurance Industry in India for the period 2011-2012 (1.4.2011-31.3.2012). The report has been compiled by The Insurance Times Group. Download the file in pdf format here

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I.1           Real Growth in Premium During 2011

I.2           Insurance Penetration and Density in India

I.3           Registered Insurers in India

I.4           Premium Underwritten : Life Insurers

I.5           Market Share : Life Insurers

I.6           New Policies Issued : Life Insurers

I.7           Paid-up Capital : Life Insurers

I.8           Commission Expenses : Life Insurers

I.9           Commission Expense Ratio : Life Insurers

I.10         Operating Expenses : Life Insurers

I.11         Operating Expense Ratio : Life Insurers

I.12         Individual Death Claims : Life Insurers

I.13         Group Death Claims : Life Insurers

I.14         Number of Life Insurance offi ces

I.15         Distribution of Offi ces of Life Insurers

I.16         Gross Direct Premium Income in India of Non-Life Insurers

I.17         Company Wise Gross Direct Premium income in India : Non-Life Insurers

I.18         Premium (Within India) Underwritten by Non-Life Insurers – Segment Wise

I.19         Ratio of Outside India Premium to Total Premium

I.20         Gross Direct Premium From Business Outside India : Non-Life Insurers

I.21         Number of New Policies Issued : Non-Life Insurers

I.22         Paid Up Capital : Non-Life Insurers and Reinsurer

I.23         Underwriting Losses : Non-Life Insurers

I.24         Commission Expenses : Non-Life Insurers

I.25         Operating Expenses : Non-Life Insurers

I.26         Net Incurred Claims : Non-Life Insurers

I.27         Incurred Claims Ratio : Non-Life Insurers

I.28         Investment Income : Non-Life Insurers

I.29         Net Profi ts/Losses : Non-Life Insurers

I.30         Dividends Paid : Non-Life Insurers

I.31         Number of Non-Life Insurance Offi ces

I.32         Net Retained Premium on Indian Business as per cent of Gross Direct Premium (Excluding GIC)

I.33         Reinsurance Placed Within India and Outside India as per cent of Gross Direct Premium in India

I.34         Reinsurance Ceded Outside India on Indian Business

I.35         Net Retentions of Non-Life Insurers

I.36         Share of Member Companies in the Indian Terrorism Pool

I.37         Premium Rates for Terrorism Risk Insurance

I.38         Expected Ultimate Liabilities as per GAD Estimate

I.39         Due Dates for Net Settlements Amongst the Pool Members (IMTPIP)

I.40         Motor Insurance Third Party Claims (IMTPIP)

I.41         Market Share of Pool Members

I.42         Total Investments of the Insurance Sector

I.43         Total Investments of Life Insurers : Instrument-wise

I.44         Investments of Life Insurers : Fund-wise

I.45         Growth of Investments: Fund-wise

I.46         Total Investments of Non-Life Insurers : Instrument-wise

I.47         Health Insurance Premium

I.48         TPA Licenses Renewed

I.49         TPA Infrastructure

I.50         Third Party Administrators – Claims Data

I.51         New Business under Micro Insurance Portfolio

I.52         Micro Insurance Agents of Life Insurers

I.53         Individual Death Claims Under Micro Insurance Portfolio

I.54         Group Death Claims Under Micro Insurance Portfolio

I.55         Duration-Wise Settlement of Death Claims in Micro Insurance – Individual Category

I.56         Duration-Wise Settlement of Death Claims in Micro Insurance – Group Category

I.57         List of Central Public Information Offi cers

II.1          Details of Individual Agents of Life Insurers

II.2          Details of Corporate Agents of Life Insurers

II.3          Individual New Business Performance of Life Insurers – Channel Wise

II.4          Group New Business Performance of Life Insurers – Channel Wise

II.5          New Business Premium (Individual and Group) of Life Insurers – Channel Wise

II.6          Number of Licenses Issued to Surveyors and Loss Assessors

II.7          Grievances Relating to Surveyors and Loss Assessors

II.8          Details of Cases Filed

II.9          Number of Cases of Petitions Disposed / Dismissed

II.10        Status of Grievances : Life Insurers

II.11        Unfair Business Practice – Complaints

II.12        Status of Grievances – Non-Life Insurers

II.13        Disposal of Complaints by Ombudsmen during 2011-12

III.1         Penalties Levied by the Authority


I.1           Insurance Density in Select Countries – 2011

I.2           Insurance Penetration in Select Countries – 2011

I.3           Insurance Density in India

I.4           Insurance Penetration in India

I.5           Premium Underwritten by Life Insurers

I.6           First Year Premium – Life Insurers

I.7           Total Premium- Life Insurers

I.8           Duration Wise Break-up of Claims Pending – Individual Policies

I.9           Duration Wise Break-up of Claims Pending – Group Policies

I.10         Number of Life Insurance Offi ces

I.11         Geographical Distribution of Life Insurance Offi ces

I.12         Gross Direct Premium of Non-Life Insurers (Within & Outside India)

I.13         Gross Direct Premium Income of Non-Life Insurers

I.14         Segment-Wise Non-Life Premium

I.15         Number of Non-Life Insurance Offi ces

II.1          Individual New Business Premium of Life Insurers – Channel Wise

II.2          Group New Business Premium of Life Insures – Channel Wise

II.3          New Business Premium of Life Insurers (Individual & Group)

II.4          Classifi cation of Life Complaints

II.5          Classifi cation of Non-Life Complaints

II.6          Class Wise Non-Life Complaints


1.            International Comparison of Insurance Penetration

2.            International Comparison of Insurance Density

3.            First Year Life Insurance Premium

4.            Total Life Insurance Premium

5.            Individual New Business Performance of Life Insurers – Channel Wise

6.            Group New Business Performance of Life Insurers – Channel Wise

7.            State Wise Individual New Business Underwritten

8.            State Wise Group New Business Underwritten

9.            State Wise Life Insurance Penetration and Density of Individual New Business

10.          Individual Business (Within India) – Business in Force (Number of Policies)

11.          Individual Business (Within India) – Business in Force (Sum Assured)

12.          Linked and Non-Linked Premium of Life Insurers

13.          Linked and Non-Linked Commission of Life Insurers

14.          Individual Death Claims

15.          Group Death Claims

16.          Duration Wise Settlement of Death Claims – Individual Category

17.          Duration Wise Settlement of Death Claims – Group Category

18.          Assets Under Management of Life Insurers

19.          Equity Share Capital of Life Insurers

20.          Solvency Ratio of Life Insurers

21.          Life Insurers – Policyholders Account

22.          Life Insurers – Shareholders Account

23.          Life Insurers – Balance Sheet

24.          Life Insurance Corporation of India – Policyholders Account (Non-Participating)

25.          Life Insurance Corporation of India – Shareholders Account (Non-Participating)

26.          Life Insurance Corporation of India – Balance Sheet (Non-Participating)

27.          Individual Business (within India) – Details of Forfeiture/Lapsed Policies in respect of Individual Non-Linked Business

28.          Persistency of Life Insurance Policies

29.          Details of Individual Agents of Life Insurers

30.          Details of Corporate Agents of Life Insurers

31.          Average Number of Policies Sold by Individual and Corporate Agents

32.          Average New Business Premium for Individual and Corporate Agents

33.          Average Premium Per Policy for Individual and Corporate Agents

34.          State Wise Distribution of Offi ces of Life Insurers

35.          Region Wise Distribution of Offi ces of Life Insurers

36.          State Wise Number of Districts covered by Life Insurers

37.          State Wise Distribution of Individual Agents

38.          New Business Under Micro Insurance Portfolio

39.          Death Claims Under Micro Insurance Portfolio – Individual Category

40.          Death Claims Under Micro Insurance Portfolio – Group Category

41.          Duration Wise Settlement of Micro Insurance Claims – Individual Category

42.          Duration Wise Settlement of Micro Insurance Claims – Group Category

43.          Company Wise Number of Micro Insurance Agents

44.          Gross Direct Premium of Non-Life Insurers (Within & Outside India)

45.          Segment Wise Gross Direct Premium of Non-Life Insurers (Within India)

46.          Segment Wise Net Premium Income (Earned)

47.          Health Insurance other than Travel-Domestic/Overseas & Personal Accident: Gross Premium and Number of Persons Covered

48.          Personal Accident Insurance: Gross Premium and Number of Persons Covered

49.          Channel Wise Gross Direct Premium of Non Life Insurers

50.          State Wise Gross Direct Premium Income of Non Life Insurers

51.          Incurred Claims Ratio – Public Sector Non-Life Insurers

52.          Incurred Claims Ratio – Private Sector Non-Life Insurers

53.          Underwriting Experience and Profi ts of Public Sector Companies

54.          Underwriting Experience and Profi ts of Private Sector Companies

55.          Assets Under Management of Non-Life Insurers

56.          Equity Share Capital of Non-Life Insurers

57.          Solvency Ratio of Non-Life Insurers

58.          Public Sector Non-Life Insurers – Policyholders Account

59.          Public Sector Non Life Insurers – Shareholders Account

60.          Public Sector Non-Life Insurers – Balance Sheet

61.          Private Sector Non-Life Insurers – Policyholders Account

62.          Private Sector Non-Life Insurers – Shareholders Account

63.          Private Sector Non-Life Insurers – Balance Sheet

64.          Health Insurers – Policyholders Account

65.          Health Insurers – Shareholders Account

66.          Health Insurers – Balance Sheet

67.          Export Credit Guarantee Corporation Ltd. (ECGC) – Policyholders Account

68.          Export Credit Guarantee Corporation Ltd.(ECGC) – Shareholder Account

69.          Export Credit Guarantee Corporation Ltd. (ECGC) – Balance Sheet

70.          Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. (AIC) – Policyholders Account

71.          Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. (AIC) – Shareholders Account

72.          Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. (AIC) – Balance Sheet

73.          General Insurance Corporation (GIC) – Policyholders Account

74.          General Insurance Corporation (GIC) – Shareholders Account

75.          General Insurance Corporation (GIC) – Balance Sheet

76.          State Wise Number of Offi ces of Non-Life Insurers

77.          State Wise Number of Districts Covered by Non-Life Insurers

78.          State Wise Number of Registered Brokers

79.          Third Party Administration – No. of Claims Received & Duration Wise Settlement of Claims

80.          Status of Grievances – Life Insurers

81.          Status of Grievances – Non-Life Insurers

82.          Performance of Ombudsmen at different centres- Life Insurance

83.          Performance of Ombudsmen at different centres – Non-Life Insurance

84.          Performance of Ombudsmen at different centres – Life and Non-Life Insurance


1.            Insurance Companies Operating in India

2.            Fee Structure for Insurers and Various Intermediaries

3.            (i) Indian Assured Lives Mortality (1994-96) (Modifi ed) Ultimate  (ii) Mortality Rates of Annuitants in LIC of India

4.            Life Insurance Products cleared during the fi nancial year 2011-12

5.            List of Micro Insurance Products of Life Insurers

6.            Non-Life Insurance Products cleared during the fi nancial year 2011-12

7.            Health Insurance Products cleared during the fi nancial year 2011-12

8.            Obligatory Cessions received by GIC

9.            Circulars / Orders / Notifi cations issued by the Authorityduring the fi nancial year 2011-12

10.          Regulations framed under the IRDA Act, 1999


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