Accusing an insurance company guilty of unfair trade practice, the consumer forum directed it to pay the insured amount of the car to the complainant. Besides, the forum has also imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 on the company.

The complainant Umesh Chander Gupta, a Sector 9 resident from Panchkula, had got his car insured with National Insurance Company Limited for an assured sum of Rs 5,23,208, for a period between October 12, 2009 and October 11, 2010.

My car met with an accident on the night of October 30, 2009 as a stray cow came in front of the vehicle. I informed the insurance company and submitted the required documents. But the surveyor, without assigning any reason, disallowed a major portion of repairs and assessed the claim for Rs 26,588 as against the actual claim of Rs 69,005, said Gupta.

The insurance companys lawyer, however, pleaded the surveyors assessment of the claim amount was right and the company is not liable to pay any more claim amount to the complainant.

After listening to the arguments, the forum maintained that the surveyor, without assigning any reason, had disallowed the claim amount of Rs 29,614, which amounts to deficiency in service on part of the company.

The forum has directed the insurance company to pay Rs 29,614 to the complainant, apart from another Rs 15,000 to be paid as compensation for mental agony and harassment and Rs 10,000 to be paid towards the litigation costs.




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