The Editorial team of The Insurance Times wishes a very very Happy New Year to its Subscribers, Advertisers, Authors, Printers, and all the Vendors and associates for the New Year, 2021, and may this new year bring peace, harmony, and prosperity to all of them.

The year 2020 threw a lot of challenges across the world and everyone would like to forget this year. The New Year 2021 brings a ray of hope that the situation would come to normal with the arrival of the vaccine. The Insurance Industry was also severely affected but health insurance saw some positive developments with people understanding the importance of health insurance and getting insured. However, still, the number of uninsured and underinsured population is huge and maybe during the coming years scenario will improve.

Covid-19 vaccine has been approved by several countries. Hopefully in India by the end of the First Quarter, the vaccination starts. Vaccination would be a gigantic task and hopefully, it will progress smoothly. The Govt. of India may approve the scrapping of automobiles like ship breaking which will provide insurance coverage and employment too.

We are grieved by the sudden demise of our beloved Dr. K.L.Madhok on 7th December 2020. A genius in literary matters and a gentleman with all angles, joined us as a Resident Editor in 1981, the year of the starting of our publication. We shall always cherish his association.

Series Navigation<< Impact of COVID-19 on General Insurance sector in India and the way forwardInterview with Mr. Satyajit Tripathy General Manager, GIC Re >>


This entry is part 5 of 11 in the series January 2021 - Insurance Times

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