In this edition we are happy to cover Interview of Mr Mohammad Jainul Bari, Chairman, IDRA, Bangladesh and Mr HareezSulaiman, CEO & MD, Amana Takaful, Maldives. We have started a special series to cover the latest developments in Insurance sector in neighbouring regions and hope it will help to generate new ideas, and help in increasing penetration and rationalise regulatory framework.

In a rapidly changing world, the insurance industry is continuously evolving to meet the diverse needs of its clients and adapt to emerging challenges.

Access to reliable energy sources is crucial for the development of rural areas. The insurance sector is playing a pivotal role in ensuring that the wheels of rural progress keep turning. Rural Energy Insurance is designed to protect energy infrastructure in remote areas, ensuring that communities have access to electricity, even in the face of natural disasters or other disruptions. This innovative approach not only fosters economic growth but also improves the quality of life for rural populations.

Blockchain technology is bringing a revolution to the life insurance sector. Its inherent security and transparency are reshaping how policies are managed, claims are processed, and fraud is mitigated. The use of blockchain ensures that policyholders have complete visibility into their contracts, leading to increased trust and reducing disputes. It also expedites claims processing, providing families with the financial support they need during challenging times. The integration of blockchain is a transformative step towards a more efficient, secure, and customer-centric life insurance industry.

As concerns about climate change grow, so does the demand for innovative insurance solutions. Carbon Emission Insurance is designed to help businesses manage the financial risks associated with their carbon footprint. Companies are now held accountable for their environmental impact, and this type of insurance provides coverage for potential liabilities arising from emissions. It incentivizes responsible environmental practices and supports the transition to a greener future.

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This entry is part 6 of 14 in the series September 2023 - Insurance Times


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