
  • Growth of your money through one time investment
  • Assured financial assistance to your family in case of your unfortunate demise

Key Features

Control on your investments through 4 funds so that you get your desired returns even in a volatile market

Top up option, wherein you can intermediately infuse capital to build your savings and increase your wealth

  • Policy Term: 5-30 years
  • Minimum Premium :Rs.1 lac
Age at Entry Minimum Sum Assured Maximum Sum Assured
8-30 years 1.25 x Single Premium 4 x Single Premium
31-35 years 3 x Single Premium 3 x Single Premium
36-44 years 2 x Single Premium 2 x Single Premium
45 years 1.10 x Single Premium 2 x Single Premium
46-50 years 1.75 x Single Premium 1.75 x Single Premium
51-55 years 1.50 x Single Premium 1.50 x Single Premium
56-60 years 1.25 x Single Premium 1.25 x Single Premium

Maturity Benefit : Fund Value

Death Benefit

Sum Assured or Fund Value or 105% of the premiums paid, whichever is higher for base plan. In addition, Sum Assured or Fund Value or 105% of the premiums paid, whichever is higher for top-ups paid.

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This entry is part 5 of 18 in the series July 2018 - Insurance Times


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