Women have always been contributing to see the Indian economy achieve speedy progress. They are always at the forefront of India’s economic development history. On the other side the concern is gender bias that still exists at every social stratum. Thus, whatwomen of today need themost that is the social security?The social fabric is such in India that she faces discrimination on many accounts in her life and she is subjected to always insecurity. Financial insecurity is the biggest challenge she faces. In this respect social security is must to insulate her risk and mitigate her personals suffering in the Indiansociety.

In the history, the social status of women is said to be full of honor and conviction, While the truth is that they still struggle for their identity and respect Although the Indian government is constantly making efforts to protect women, But still in the Indian society, women are neglected in many areas today. Prejudices are limited or unacceptable for nutrition, education, health and property rights, child labor and domestic violence etc. Recognition of ancient times due to nutrition, education, health and property rights, child labor and domestic violence etc. these efforts are limited or unacceptable. The behavior and knowledge of today’s woman is evolving, fear of sexual acts and violence in women, issues of disintegration of power in the physical and economic areas between the gender, the issues of struggle against violence are becoming. In spite of getting a constitutional guarantee of equality of gender, discrimination and exploitation of women in Indian society is continuing. Misbehaviour and mistreatment of women are continuing and harrasment, morphing, bride burning, molestation and illtreatment of women cases are on rinsing in this era also.

No doubt women need full time protection for her family. Needs valuable financial and social protection.. Insurance play a vital role by the providing social security to the women empowerment.  It give the security of women by their policies such as pension schemes, insurance provide the widow’s pension from her spouse, critical illness plan, child plan,etc.Modernized digitalized lifestyle needs more social security for the women. Insurance clubbing with Information technology provide instant social security cover to women, thus helping them in elevating their socio-economic status in the society.

Why Social Securityfor Women?

Social security is economic support to women from unseen situations, unemployment, agedness, impartiality with the gender the same earning in requisites of benefits. Financial protection of women against gender biased society. Social security is curved by the circumstances, domestic violations, disability, divorce, widow, single marital status and retirement.

Importance of Social Security for Women:

Social security plays an important role in a women life. As the woman has key role to growing her family as well as the society. She is caring for her family and society. A woman cares a full family member, child, spouse and parents. Survey shows woman earn less than man in her life. She needs basic level of full time valuable financial and social protection in time saving and economic mode for her family. Social security insurance offers economic and future security to the women by the using Information technology.

How I.T. can be useful for women in delivering social security benefits:

Information communication technology is playing effective role in delivering social security schemes to innumerable women’s in India. IT provides an internet as a platform where insurance related social security is provided to the women and thus empowering them.  If we see the life insurance: Online LIC offers policies and plans, payment or billing system online benefiting innumerable women’s in India. Choice and needs are available online handy, prudently, swiftly and easily via the mobiles and computers, etc. With the help of the means of information communication technologies women can purchasing or buying online products, policy plan with the feature of calculating premium at the home or office or working place even travelling also anywhere, anytime without bother. Some online plans for women are offers by the insurance company. Websites call centers, mobile devices, social media, and other remote technologies are the means by which women acquire the knowledge about the policies and can purchase it without any worrier. She can select/registered any policy, which she has an interest.  She can download literature about the product. She can pay premium online, trace insurance investments, make online claims and renew old policy, chat facility is also available on the websites, so she can clear her doubts directly from the company authorized person.These plans or policies are securing the women on the social ground.

Online Plans for Women Delivering Social Security to Women

Online plans are designed for deliberating the requirement and the need of women. These plans are giving a woman to security against finance as well as the future for the persons who depend on them. Plans basis are on both Regular source of income, fixed source of income. These plans are: Term Insurance Plans, Retirement Insurance Plans, Child Insurance plans for thehigher education, marriage purpose, Health Insurance Plans: JivanBharti: profit plan considering need of women, Jeevansneha, Pension, BimaBachat, Security Guard (Female), SEWA (Self Employed Woman Association) for poor working womanStability of living: Anxiety free life, Exceed range of relief for the needy and prevention of the poverty.Free economy: security for unseen situations: illness and accidents, corporate bankruptcy, or physical weakness in her old age. Household support: child care services, long term care services, etc.

Although completely online purchasing policies are available online where without help of any agent women can buy their policy and enormous facilities are provided online for buying insurance products and policies but still that as I know, policy holder women by the internet is less in both areas either rural or urban. In the rural area women are uneducated and not aware about the latest technologies, so they are not buying their policy by the mobile or any other digital devices but surprise is that the urban area where women are educated and using latest technologies for the communication for day to day purpose but they are not buying policy in such ratio. It is a big question facing by the insurance technologies and insurance companies. Why it is happening?

It is happening because of inadequacy of awareness towards the insurance policies in the women. She needs to buy the policies but she has not know how to buy and from where we get correct information.  Special communicationmediumregarding the women clients are required to increase awareness and communicate with women clients, as they have resources to time gaining digital services.


Self-motivation is the big issue for women to purchase insurance product online. Message should be clear, accurate, reliable, empowering, purposeful and well-ordered. All are important factors for women to be self-motivated to buying the products online.

Fraudness is the major problem facing by the women, she wish to secure websites for buying the products. It is difficult to a women to identify the authenticate website so first give her authentication information for valid websites or channels as well as full knowledge about the fake information, policies and fake agents. So she can buy the product without any hesitation.

Women nature always interested to gathering all of the information about the product which she wants to buy, if this information is available on her mobile in the women related specific safe and secure network channels. It is easy to women buying the product. So women related specific network channels must be build to coverage clear, relevant information about the policies for the women.

Women satisfaction is key factor of online purchasing by the women. so if the company take feedback directly through the authenticate person or filtered site on the woman’s cell phone, and if any technical problem is there it must be solve quickly the level of satisfaction of women will be increase. Hence company should be vigilant who access the data with clear and deep insight of technical experts regarding technical risk, and must be quick to solve the problem of women customers.Women is not aware about the insurance online product give her full authenticate information regarding to access and buy the insurance policiesonline and use their online services from the mobile with secure channels.

Insurance policy which show major alters like policy maturity date and others policy alerts always follow two method mail & SMS but there is also one another medium which is still untouched is flash sms which exit only when you click exit that should be incorporated the only company which has introduced is DSP till now.The website which help polices finding and comparing are policy bazaar should be advertising online, icici policy comparator, policy baba , jaanotohmaano a product by birla sun life insurance and etc. Predict Your Choice is a good way but women is not interested to go in deep she want quick and easily available information to buying or purchasing product.

LIC was started women`s assurance policy regarding women, it was good policy because it covers all the security points related to women but It should be online and it’s advertisement should be with essential women interest points. The online selling Insurance products and cyber security awareness women must be further boost and spread so that various internet surfers and apps user women who seeking for social security can also effectively take part to the buying more and more products of insurance.By this all ways Information communication technology and its operation can play a key role to flying time to the insurance market and improve system according to the need of women customer.


Millions of women are using the internet on the mobile. We cannot deny that Internet market of insurance and delivering social security is rising through the coming of technologies. The rates of buyers are also increasing now a days but the women involvement in buying insurance product is less. We think after getting clear, robust, and authenticate information through the specific reliable channel,after solve online problems immediately, take feedback from a woman time to time by her cell-phoneand more and more awareness programs are conducted by the insurance company and if women security related points are describe on the mobile or apps in a short and simple language which women can understand easily thenonline insurance market will be flies up and insurance can deliver social security schemes more effectively to  more and more women’s of our society.

Series Navigation<< ‘RAINSTORMS- FLOODS- DELUGE’… ARE INSURABLE?Why life insurance is important to Millennials? >>


This entry is part 4 of 20 in the series September 2019 - Insurance Times

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