In the past few years, the number of registered vehicles, road accidents vis-vis the casualties and injuries to people have created a history. It is not death alone that is alarming. The number of people injured had almost doubled involving serious injuries of skull and limbs leaving them physically and mentally handicapped for life.

The price of road accidents is paid not only by the victims and relatives but by the whole country. International Traffic Experts estimate that in developing countries, production losses, medical expenses and insurance claims caused by road accidents amount to 1% of the Gross National Product.

Nearly one-third of the road accidents in India take place in the metropolitan cities.

Most of these accidents are caused by heavy vehicles like trucks and buses. The road network is one of the largest in the world ranking fourth after the US, Brazil, and Russia. Tragically the attention required to maintain the roads shows short-sightedness. The overload on the national highways results in the larger segment of road accidents. The increase in the population of vehicles is phenomenal without concomitant increase or improvement in the roads network. Majority of persons killed in road accidents are pedestrians mainly attributing to the following reasons :

  1. The enormous increase in vehicles of all categories on the roads.
  2. Lack of formal and adequate training for drivers and their ignorance about road rules.
  3. Poor maintenance of vehicles and the use of obsolete models.
  4. Lower levels of deterrents prevalent for violators of traffic rules and regulations.

The common people, passerby, traffic policy, etc. can play a great role in saving the life of a victim, provided they are trained regarding safe handling and transferring of the victim from the place of accidents to the doctor. Even doctors need to understand the procedures better to co-operate with the law and order. The fear of legal procedure which may include repeated police investigations, witnessing and summons at the court needs simplification.

Better coordination among lawmakers, maintainers, and doctors to provide immediate care to road accident victims is a must to reduce fatal accidents. The key role has to be played by the Doctors, Police and the traffic police.


The safety of children on the road is primarily the duty of parents or school authorities. The responsibility is higher on caretakers because children under five years of age can’t distinguish right from left. They can’t judge the speed of approaching traffic or how far it is. They are quite unpredictable and easily distracted or attracted. Therefore most accidents occur when children dash across roads. A moment’s carelessness can lead to a fatal accident. Young children are generally injured within a short distance of their home. The duty to care is greater for where they play and control over their access to the road.

Many NGO’s are working for road victim children. Arranging practical Demonstrations, audio-visual show on road safety and literature of tips for children is distributed in schools. Children are very good observers and therefore, parents must set an example by meticulously observing even small traffic rules. The innovative education capsule put together by NGO’s is most suitable to different age groups and is easily replicable. These organizations are working to educate the children equipped with the computer, LCD projectors, Handycam cameras, and other equipment to work as a mobile road safety education unit in educational institutions.


Under the law, a vehicle must be registered, display the registration number plate in front and rear in a prescribed manner, be in roadworthy condition, have a valid insurance policy, have a headlight, backlight for illuminating the number plate, be fitted with a silencer, transparent windscreen and side, and rear windows and display tax has taken property.

The vehicle should not carry load/passengers more than its carrying capacity, not emit smoke and must not be driven by a person duly authorized to drive by a respective valid driving license. The helmet is compulsory for two-wheeler drivers. Traffic discipline is a must for every person during the vehicle in the public place. Driving is a privilege and not a right. It is upon the road users to see that this privilege is not abused.

One can be an excellent driver mechanically, but it is one’s mental attitude towards driving which matters. Driving a motor vehicle requires both physical and mental attention Lack of attention, carelessness and a selfish attitude towards other road users may result in accidents. Act of courteous driver can set an example for others and this can help reduce accidents. Every driver is expected to :

  1. Slow down and drive smoothly, keep within speed limits and expect sudden movements of road users and give proper signals.
  2. Exercise patience with them because a few seconds for road users hardly affects the total journey time.
  3. Park the vehicle considerately, always looking for road users before opening the doors of your vehicle.
  4. Dip the headlights, expect fast-moving road users adjacent to their vehicles and take care.
  5. Follow the Highway Code, obey traffic light signals, drive to the correct side and avoid overtaking.


To sensitize the drivers on the mandatory use of helmet, Seat belt, transparent windscreen and glasses, headlight and signal lights, horn, number plate in proper colors. Campaigns need to be conducted. These campaigns should include Audio-Video Films on the use of vehicles on roads to generate awareness on road safety.

Stickers, Banners, and road safety materials are distributed carrying the logos, slogans, and messages regarding the importance of helmet while driving on the road. The use of a cellphone while driving is becoming an increasing factor in road accidents. Appealing messages and slogans be displayed on avoidance of Mobiles while driving. An elaborate overview of road discipline be explained on the following important issues :

  1. Parking in the right space.
  2. Lane/cutting/overtaking from left etc.
  3. No overloading for any type of vehicle.
  4. No rash driving, to follow the speed limit.
  5. Proper “left and right turns”.
  6. Follow “zebra crossing’ religiously.
  7. The clarity in number plates according to norms, no fancy type plates.
  8. No blowing of horns at the “No-Horn” zones.
  9. To always allow fire brigade/ambulances/police vans to pass by.
  10. To allow other “road signal rules.”


It is a fact that enforcement can reduce accidents and improve the flow and speed of traffic. The majority of studies conducted on this topic have proved that there is some effect of enforcement on behavior. People tend to be more law-abiding on the roads when policemen are around.

The strength of the police force in or out of the cities has not been increased substantially. The phenomenal increase in the population of vehicles has resulted in more severe congestion on the roads, while there is no increase in police patrols on the highways except at a few points in some states. There is also very little published research on traffic law enforcement. The combined publicity and enforcement campaign can lead to a significant drop in road accidents.

A study reveals that nearly half the road accidents result from hitting damaged or defective vehicles lying dangerously on the road. The majority of the vehicles involved in accidents are trucks, cars, and jeeps. Maximum vehicles involved in an accident have head-on collisions. Only 10% of vehicles are involved in accidents without impact to another, like running over a pedestrian or turning turtle on banging into a tree or skidding into a ditch.

Mostly the carcasses of vehicles lie on the road for weeks slowing down the traffic and some times other vehicles crash into them causing further mayhem and fatalities. The police department does not have a breakdown recovery crane to clear damaged vehicles from the road. Efforts to remove such vehicles are usually delayed and the use of tractors borrowed from farmers is resorted to in most cases. The acquisition is not taking place due to constraints in finances. Enforcement in both cities and highways should be stepped up by periodic safety campaigns and by making the enforcement machinery more visible. Higher visibility of enforcement can control the recklessness of drivers.


Under the Motor Vehicles Act, all motor vehicle owners must have insurance cover. Based on risks covered, Motor Insurance is divided into two basic types i.e. Third Party Insurance and Comprehensive Insurance.

Third-Party insurance covers Death, Personal injuries and property damage to third parties. This means the owner is insured against death or injury to pedestrians, occupants of other vehicles, and outsiders other than passengers for unlimited amounts. Passengers of private vehicles and pillion riders are also deemed covered. Liability of employees connected with the operation of the vehicle. This means the owner is insured against death or injury to the vehicle’s drivers, cleaners, conductors, coolies and employees used in the operation of the vehicle. The owner is also insured against liability to passengers carried in the vehicle for hire or reward.

While the comprehensive insurance covers all the risks covered in the Motor Vehicles Act plus loss or damage caused to the vehicle due to accident, fire, explosion, self-ignition, lightning, burglary, house-breaking, theft, riots & strikes, earthquakes, flood, typhoon, hurricane, storm, cyclones, malicious acts, terrorisms, transit by rail/road/air/waterways. The cover also includes the towing charges specified for two-wheelers, private cars and commercial vehicles incurred due to accidents to the vehicles.

The premium is computed based on the geographical area of use, cubic capacity, value, and age of the vehicle. Wider cover on liability to employees under Fatal Accidents Act and Common Law is permitted on additional premium. Similarly, Personal Accident benefit to an owner of the vehicle, other family members on named and unnamed basis driving or traveling in the vehicle is available on additional premium.


In most of the developed countries the information, education, communication and Action Centers for road safety have worked miraculously. The establishment of these centers with the help of voluntary organizations to consistently conduct studies, training campaigns and relief measures in the areas to generate further awareness among people.

Designing safety measures of vehicles like collapsible steering columns, failsafe brakes, proper lights & indicators, padded and safe interiors must be incorporated on all vehicles. All slow-moving traffic in cities or highways like animal carts, cycles, tractors and trolleys including fast-moving vehicles like trucks, etc. should compulsorily have light reflectors and be painted in orange or yellow. Traffic engineering aspects of the existing highways like curves, road shoulders, lighting, Lay byes, etc. should be improved.

Traffic patrolling along with wireless-equipped with ambulances and break down recovery cranes required to work like developed countries, on major highways. For enforcement of traffic laws, the policemen should be given financial incentives and other rewards and provision for strict penalties for drunken driving or driving after consumption or liquor should be enforced. The use of Helmets and safety belts and head restraints have gone a long way in saving the lives of two-wheeler riders and car occupants in a crash. The best of all measures is the higher involvement of people by creating more honorary traffic wardens who could be mobile regularly for safety campaigns.

In recent times the road accidents are increasing and causing severe loss of life and property.  For smooth movement and disciplined traffic, roads provided with different markings in white and yellow colors. Awareness and observance of traffic discipline is the need of the hour. Mandatory and cautionary road signs are meant for safe driving.

Traffic lights and signals are the languages of the road. Acquaintance with them is life-saving and ignorance invites penalties right from loss of a penny to loss of life. Driving in hilly areas is a testing time even for seasoned drivers and modest vehicles since the topography of hills is extremely different from those of the plans.

The roads are generally narrow and at many places traffic flows from both directions. Extra caution and efforts are required to avoid accidents. Driving during nights is extremely different from daily driving and most of the accidents take place during nights. The visibility during nights become less and lead to accidents. Drivers are expected to negotiate the situations according to their prudence.

By Mr. Jagendra Kumar, Jaipur, Published in The Insurance Times, May 2005



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