There exist many kind of occupation around us which people choose as their profession. They are like, Medical profession, technical profession, Academics or education, agriculture or farming, writing, mass communication or media, legal, politics, human resource development, acting, sports and so on.

But when you get deeper into each of such occupations, you will find that at the end somewhere some kind of transactions are being made which is in some way fulfilling some kind of underlying purpose. And that could be anything from being an advice, a service, an idea, a knowledge, an entertainment, etc.

All these can be put together and called a “Need”, which is being taken care.

For example a doctor is providing his services by advising, counselling, prescribing, conducting surgery, to his patient who has a need for such a thing. Similarly a lawyer is also doing so.

Take another example of an occupation, of say a carpenter; he is providing a piece of furniture or is doing interior work of a house for some client of his who has the need for such work. The purpose or the need is fulfilled at the end. There is another unique transaction which is being done in lieu of love, care and affection. Such as a child who has the need to eat his food and the mother of the child trying all means to feed the child. Telling stories or singing song. Transaction accomplished and purpose fulfilled. Even an educator is involved in a transaction where he is trying to impart knowledge, in a way selling ideas and students acquiring it in a way buying it, as they need the knowledge. Again some sort of fees too exists unless it’s a free service. All such transactions are in a way is a sales transaction. Because there are two parties involved, one who has need for something so called product and the other who fulfills that need by providing that product, called provider or seller. But in all such transactions another thing is also there, that is, the price, the cost, the fee, the charges whatever you call it, In lieu of it the transaction is being done.

So, you see, it is sales and selling going on everywhere and at every moment. And to be more precise here, it would not be wrong to say that, the entire human world is continuously revolving around two factors only.One factor being the “Needs or Wants” in life and the other factor being the “Fulfilment of it”. And in that context, sales profession is the largest profession in the world.

However, here in this article, we are concerned with only that kind of transaction which generally we call as sales, whereby a sales person tries to sell his products to his prospects successfully. There are various aspects of sales that exists round all three participants in the transaction, Vis a Vis, the buyer, the seller and the product.

There are various kind of selling transactions we can see around us. Such as,

Mass selling where footfalls are high as in exhibitions or seminar, Year-end season’s sale, discount sale, internet, auctions, malls etc.

One to one or individual as in insurance, mutual funds, shares, etc., where seller approaches potential buyers.

Over the counter as in shops, where customers walk in by themselves.

Hawkers and peddlers

Selling to captive buyers, as in trains, planes, platforms, airport, stadium, hospitals, etc.

We need to understand the buyer’s psychology in such different kind of selling situations as given above.

Different people have different need for products. Some make quick decisions to buy and others take time to decide. Whereas some keeps probing, while some depends on other person’s advice.

Captive buyers may not have too many choice while there might be some who does impulsive buying.

Some buy with anticipation of future use while they may not have immediate need.

Advertisement of products also makes an impact on buyer’s decision.

There is always a great desire in every sales person that his product sells easily, comfortably and with minimum effort. But to fulfill one’s desire a great amount of discipline is required along with knowledge and skills. Then there is also the attitude factor.

Like in most achievements, attitude towards sales profession plays an important role in success of a sales person. One should also have a social nature. Must be willing and enjoy to interact with people. An introvert nature does not match the required quality for a sales job.

Knowledge of local language and culture is beneficial and an advantage. Sense of humor also helps the interactions between a sales person and his prospect. One should also become adept in objection handling ability. Every sales interactions is different, new and unique. And that is because the prospect is new. Though the sales person is same, the product is same, the selling process is same.

Now about the product. A product is developed based on market demand. Lot of researches and studies are made in the market to understand what kind of product would be a success among potential buyers.

The benefits, the advantages, the features are carefully built into.It has to appeal to the buyer. The competitions are to be kept in mind as well. Product pricing and market affordability also is looked into. After all it is about profits in business too.

If the product meets the buyer’s requirements and fulfills his need then the price paid by him is not a waste. Otherwise the money is wasted and it’s a loss for the buyers.

Before 80’s the manufacturer used to dominate in the market. But thereafter slowly customers became the king and manufacturers took a back seat. After Sales service became the key matter in the market and started to direct the success and failure of products.

There are two viewpoints in the market about the sales job. Though sales is considered to be the greatest profession in the world, many sales person differ to that belief owing to their inability to achieve desired success. Most sales person fails to adhere to the required discipline due to misfitting attitude and as a result they fall short of achieving their sales targets or just about make it or makes something which does not keeps his motivation level to go on further.

Sales job being a target oriented job, creates a challenging pressure to achieve the target figures of sales within a stipulated time, which is generally called monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annual target.

When a salesperson does not meet his own expectations, primarily regarding professional growth, or earnings in terms of sales incentives, he starts to lose the charm and motivation in his job.

Many can’t take this pressure positively. Thereby labeling sales profession as an unattractive job.

Many sales person lose their job due to inability to achieve target given. Many shift to other field in search of job satisfaction.

Now let us look at the positive aspects of the sales profession.

Sales is only job which does not have limit in earnings of a person like the salaried one. As most sales job are incentive linked and the earnings of a sales person is directly proportional to the sales he does.

One can plan his earnings beforehand. Even sudden fund requirements can be met at certain times.

Whereas such things are not possible in a monthly fixed salary.

Then there is the challenge factor which is one of the main attraction among those doing well in sales.

There is no monotony like in many other jobs. New target, new challenge, rewards and recognitions,

Name and fame keeps driving the sales person all the time towards success.

We spoke briefly about all three components involved in a sales mechanism. That is the buyer, the seller and the product. But there is also a fourth component which is the common factor, which makes these three component interact amongst themselves in order to logically conclude a sales, is the “sales process.” This helps the buyer to arrive at a decision to buy the product and also feel good about it.



This entry is part 3 of 19 in the series May 2021 - Insurance Times

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