IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company Limited (IndiaFirst Life), unveiled a new product — IndiaFirst Life Guarantee of Life Dreams (G.O.L.D.) plan. The non-linked, non-participating, individual life insurance plan is designed to provide policyholders with a regular long-term income option, IndiaFirst Life said.

IndiaFirst Life Guarantee of Life Dreams Plan is an extended-term insurance-based savings product, which offers flexible Premium Paying Terms (PPT) of 6 years, 8 years, and 10 years for a policy term of 30 years and 40 years. With premium starting from Rs 4,176 per month and with monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly premium paying options, the plan is a convenient option for customers to create a second/additional income, it said.

Commenting on the launch, Rushabh Gandhi, Deputy CEO, IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company Limited, said, “Going beyond traditional insurance, G.O.L.D. will empower our customers to plan a long-term income as per their need. Unlike most other plans where returns are received after a few years, the highlight of this product is that one can plan to receive future income from the end of first month itself.”

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This entry is part 7 of 14 in the series August 2023 - Insurance Times


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