Life inspires us to look ahead, for a better future, for better investments. Change is the rule of life. Times change and with each passing phase, needs keep getting bigger, the list of desires keep getting longer.

We understand the demands of changing times. So we ensure that you get most out of your hard earned money. Unpredictable market conditions should not decide the returns from your investments. That’s why we strive hard, so that you have assurance of accelerated guaranteed returns while you enjoy the moments of life.


We offer you “Future Generali Guarantee Advantage Plan” which offers host of flexibilities to change your insurance plan with your ever changing needs.

Key features

This is a non linked, non participating plan.

  • Provides Assured Loyalty Additions ranging from 60% to 325% of the first year annual premium payable on maturity or at earlier death if occurs after 8 years from policy commencement, provided all due premiums are paid.
  • On death other than accidental, sum assured + Policy Account Value + Assured Loyalty Additions (if eligible) is payable to the nominee.
  • On death due to accident provided life assured is above age 18, 3 times sum assured + Policy Account Value + Assured Loyalty Additions (if eligible) is payable to the nominee.
  • On maturity, Policy Account Value + Assured Loyalty Additions (if eligible) is payable to the life assured.
  • Separate account namely Policy Account will be maintained at policyholder level.
  • Investment Return will be declared in advance by the company every quarter.
  • Partial withdrawal can be made after 3rd policy year. No partial withdrawals will be allowed in the last 5 years of the policy.

How does it Work?

Step 1: Decide your premium amount

You have to first decide the amount you want to invest as premiums under the policy. The minimum amount of annual premium is Rs 6,000.

Step 2: Decide your Sum Assured

Your Sum Assured depends on the amount of premium that you decide to pay. The minimum Sum Assured is 5 * annualized premium.

Step 3: Decide your policy term

You have to decide the policy term of 10 yrs, 15 yrs, 20 yrs, 25 yrs or 30 yrs for which you would like to avail the benefits of the policy.

You have to pay the premium through out the policy term. Depending upon your financial planning, you can decide the policy term.


Maturity Benefit:

On the maturity of the policy the Policy Account Value as on the date of Maturity plus the Assured Loyalty Additions are payable to the life assured

Death Benefit

Prior to Risk Commencement

In an unfortunate demise of the life assured either natural or due to accident, prior to the commencement of risk under the policy, we will pay the Policy Account Value plus Assured Loyalty Additions (if eligible) to the nominee.

After Risk Commencement

Death other than accidental

In an unfortunate demise of the life assured after the commencement of risk,

  • the Sum Assured plus the Policy Account Value plus Assured Loyalty Additions (if eligible) are payable to the nominee

Death due to accident

In an unfortunate demise of the life assured due to an accident after attaining age 18 years,

  • 3 times Sum Assured plus the Policy Account Value plus Assured Loyalty Additions (if eligible) are payable to the nominee.

With in first three policy years, after the risk commencement, if the premiums are discontinued and the life assured dies during the revival period, we will pay the fund value as on date of death


  • No additional accidental death benefit is payable under the policy if the life assured is a minor at the time of death
  • If the proposer predeceases the life assured during the minority of the life assured, no benefit will be payable. A new Proposer may be appointed.
  • The Date of Commencement of Risk would be the date of issue of first premium receipt. If life assured is below age 10 at the time of policy issuance, risk under the policy will commence from the later of
  • The policy anniversary falling after life assured attains 10 years of age1
  • 2 policy years after commencement of the policy

Assured Loyalty Additions

On maturity of the policy, the life assured receives the Assured Loyalty Additions as a percentage of first year premium depending upon the policy term. Assured Loyalty Addition is available at maturity if the policy is in force. After the 8th policy anniversary, if death occurs anytime before the maturity date and the policy is in force at time of death, assured loyalty addition is available. The Assured Loyalty Additions are as under

Policy Term Assured Loyalty Additions(as % of First

year Premium)

10 years 60%

15 years 110%

20 years 165%

25 years 265%

30 years 325%

Eligibility Condition; The Assured Loyalty Additions are payable on in-force policy at maturity or at earlier death after 8 years from policy commencement

Investment return

Interest rate will be declared for each quarter in advance for the next 3 months i.e. January to March, April to June, July to September and October to December. The interest applying the declared rate will be accrued to the Policy Account every month.

The interest rate is guaranteed for the quarter for which it is declared, for existing Policy Account Value. However for new premiums, (Whether from existing policies or new policies), it is not guaranteed and can change in case of extreme fluctuations in interest rate. In that case the company will declare a new rate applicable to the new premiums for the rest of the quarter.

Policy account value(PAV)

From the premium paid, the allocation fee gets deducted and the balance Premium is invested in Policy Account Value. All applicable fees will be deducted from the PAV at every monthly anniversary of the policy.

For the Quarter ended December 2010, the Interest rate is 7%.p.a.


a.Surrender: Surrender can be made any time during the policy term. If policy is surrendered before the end of 3 policy years, the surrender value equal to Policy Account Value less applicable surrender penalty and Market Value Reduction (MVR) if applicable will be kept frozen on date of surrender & no subsequent fees will be deducted & that surrender value will be paid at completion of 3 years. Assured Loyalty Additions are not payable on surrender.

b.Partial Withdrawal: The policy holder can make partial withdrawals only after completion of 3 full policy years. One partial withdrawal is allowed per policy year. The minimum amount that can be withdrawn is Rs.2,000/- (in multiple of ‘000). The maximum amount that can be withdrawn per year is 10% of the Policy Account Value. Partial withdrawals are not allowed in the last 5 years of the policy.

Partial withdrawal can be made if the attained age of the life assured at the time of withdrawal is 18 years or above, or by the proposer during his/her lifetime if the life assured is a minor.The PAV after a partial withdrawal should be at least equal to one year’s annualized premium.

Partial withdrawal is subject to surrender penalty & Market Value Reduction (MVR), if applicable.

c.Decrease in Sum Assured: A decrease in sum assured is allowed subject to minimum conditions under the plan. However, the premium will not be reduced and remain same.


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