The ING Freedom Plan is a Unit Linked Insurance plan having in-built, customizable features that offer you freedom, flexibility, and much more.

So you now have complete flexibility to plan your finances, decide how long you want to pay, how much to pay, the extent of insurance cover, the frequency of payments that you would make each year and so on.

The ING Life Freedom Plan offers you so much more as a life cover, in terms of flexibility and customizing your investments that you will come to realize what real freedom means, from a financial perspective.

Key Benefits

 Flexible Investment strategy

Loyalty Additions

Option to avail Survival Benefits at regular intervals

 Additional Protection through Riders



Minimum Age at Entry: 8 years

 Maximum Age at Entry: 55 years

 Maximum Age at Maturity: 80 years

Policy Term

 Minimum: 25 years

Maximum: (80 minus age at entry)

Maximum premium ceasing age

 70 years

Premium Paying Term

 15 to 25 years

Premium Payment Modes

 Annual, Half-yearly, Quarterly, Monthly

Minimum Premium

 Yearly: Rs. 18,000

Half-yearly: Rs. 9,000

Quarterly: Rs. 4,500

Monthly: Rs. 1,500

For Monthly mode:

Minimum 3 monthly premiums to be collected at the time of issue

Top-up Premium

Minimum: Rs. 2,000

 Maximum: Not exceeding 25% of the total regular premiums paid

Sum Assured

 Minimum: 10 times the annualized premium

Maximum: 25 times the annualized premium, subject to underwriting considerations



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