A unique feature of this product is that it allows to cover both partners in the same policy at a nominal extra premium. Aviva Heart Care also has options to restore policy benefits, once the basic sum assured is exhausted, for severe category conditions. The policy provides coverage against 19 mild, moderate and severe cardiovascular conditions, and procedures & allows lump sum payout irrespective of cost of treatment.

Indians are prone to heart ailments due to multiple factors including genetics, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress etc. making it the Cardio Vascular Disease capital of the world. Customer research indicated that people are not adequately covered under a mediclaim policy and also that 78% of hospitalization expenses are out of pocket.

Aviva Heart Care is a dedicated, comprehensive heart care plan that fills the gap that exists today.

There are 4 options available with Aviva Heart Care plan

     ME Comprehensive coverage for self
     ME+ Comprehensive coverage for self with twice the coverage for severe category conditions
     WE Comprehensive coverage for self and spouse
     WE+ Comprehensive coverage for self and spouse with twice the coverage for severe category conditions


Key benefits of the plan are as below:

  • Comprehensive coverage against 19 cardiovascular conditions
  • Benefit paid over & above mediclaim
  • Multiple claims allowed basis severity
  • Coverage for self & spouse with double the coverage for severe category conditions
  • Option to double the coverage for major conditions on exhaustion of initial sum assured
  • Couple policy WE comes at an incremental cost basis age, term & sum assured for spouse



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