HDFC Life Smart Woman Plan, a unique insurance cum investment plan designed specifically for women. The plan offers benefits to take care of various stages of your life; be it on motherhood, fighting cancer or coping with the loss of a companion. This plan ensures that your savings continue, while you adjust to the new stages of your life, and you remain confident to live life your way. 

The plan comes with comprehensive coverage options where we will cover you against pregnancy complications and congenital conditions or for malignant female-specific cancers. During these critical moments, we assure you the peace of mind by waiving and funding your premiums so that as you overcome and adjust to your life your investments continue to grow.

Key features

Sum Assured of up to 40 times your annualised premium 

Choice of 3 Benefit Options – Classic, Premier and Elite 

Premium Waiver Benefit – Waiver and funding of 3 annual premiums on  

Birth of child with congenital disorder or pregnancy complications

Diagnosis of malignant cancer of female organs

Death of spouse

Additional periodic cash payouts under Premier and Elite Option 

Enhanced Allocation Rate from 11 year onwards 

This plan is available with a Short Medical Questionnaire (SMQ) based # underwriting

Working of Plan 

At the outset, you select:

Sum Assured

Regular Premium

Policy Term

Benefit Option

Investment Fund(s)

Your regular premium, net of premium allocation charges, shall be invested in the fund(s) you selected and in the proportion you specify.

At the end of the policy term you will receive the accumulated value of your fund(s).

You will receive benefits as per the Benefit Option selected in case you are diagnosed with malignant cancer of the female organs or suffer from pregnancy complications or give birth to a child with congenital disorders or upon the unfortunate death of your spouse.

In case of your unfortunate death during the policy term your nominee will receive the greater of Sum Assured (less withdrawals) or fund value.

Benefit on death of spouse provided only under the Elite Benefit Option.

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This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series February 2019 - Insurance Times


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