Today, he is known all over India for his astute academic leadership in management education.  A crusader for the growth of management education in India, Dr. Harivansh Chaturvedi, Director, Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH) and alternate President, Education Promotion Society of India (EPSI),works tirelessly for the uplift of quality of management teaching and education.

Recently, Dr. Harivansh Chaturvedi spoke to Insurance Times about the Centre of Insurance & Risk Management of his institute.

Insurance Times- 
How did the idea of starting the Centre of Insurance & Risk Management dawn upon you in 2000- at a time when the insurance industry has just opened up…..?

Dr.Harivansh Chaturvedi-
During that period, we were looking to introduce PGDM courses, as we had the vision for future expansion. This made us scan the environment.  The insurance industry had just opened up at that time with IRDA as a regulator. The insurance industry offered immense opportunity for couple of reasons -the penetration of insurance vis-à-vis GDP was lowbut the progressed 25years exponential growth of insurance looked very impressive.  We took the lead and were the first to design a course curriculum keeping in mind the industry requirement. We started with a one year programme in 2000 and by 2004, and upgraded it to a two-year comprehensive PGDM programme later.

In 2000, we published ‘India Insurance Report’ incorporating articles of many stalwarts of the insurance industry .The publication got a rave review for its rich contents and treatment of relevant subjects.It may be also noted here thatour Insurance programme was inaugurated by Mr.N.Rangachary, the first chairman of IRDA.


Insurance Times
How has the Centre of Insurance & Risk Management fared over the period of time?Has the centre been able to measure up to the expectation of the industry ?

Dr. Harivansh Chaturvedi-
Oh yes, the centre had fared reasonably well over a period of time. We wanted industry professionals to take forward the course .We tried to assimilate the best industry practices into the curriculum. We had signed up an MoU with LOMA.We tied up with Insurance Institute of India and Chartered Insurance Institute (UK) to bolster the course curriculum. We are also working in tandem with Swiss Re with whom we have a strategic partnership to enrich the content of the course –thus keeping abreast of with the changing industry requirement. The success of our programme can also be attributed to the great contributions made by Prof.K.K.Krishnan, Prof.S.L.Gupta, Prof.S. Nagpal, Prof.Sagar Sanyal, Prof. H. K. Maurya, Prof. Dharmendra Kumar, all professionals of eminence who worked untiringly for the success of the Centre. We are also actively encouraging extra certifications by students.


Insurance Times
You name figures prominently as an Institution builder .BIMTECH owes its success largely because of your astute leadership. Infact you are also the mentor of Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar. How do you account for this success…?

Dr.Harivansh Chaturvedi-
I follow the ‘Participation Model of Governance’ in our institution involving all stakeholders –members of faculty, students and staff members in all kinds of activities. We have avoided all kinds of bureaucratic control and hassles that are not good for the growth of an academic institution.

I also embarked upon networking atthe national level in all kinds of industry and professional bodies gradually   faculty members were involved in this onerous task. We have also made efforts to bring industry leaders in our campus with a view to sharing their experiences and wisdoms with our students. As a matter of fact, we have an Industry Academia Council for all streams to fine tune the curriculum each year.

The founders and owners of our institute Late Dr.Sarala Birla and Syt.B. K.Birla have provided their full and unstinted support for the exponential growth of our institute.


Insurance Times-
You have been actively associated with many important bodies. Do you believe that the future bodes well for the management education in India?

Dr. Harivansh Chaturvedi-
In management, I have been involved with AIMA and the National HRD Network as their council member. In 2005,I along with some educational leaders took the initiative to set up a national forum to represent higher education in India –called Education Promotion Society of India (EPSI).It was launched by Late A.P.J. Kalam.

Regardless the future of management education, I am of the view that India is a large economy, which will continue to require a pool of talented manpower in future. I think the future of management education in India is bright but with a rider- that only quality institution will survive and grow in future .Below par institutions will go the way of dinosaurs as the industry would not support them.


Insurance Times-
What are defining moments of your life …? I mean the events that changed the course of your life.

Dr. Harivansh Chaturvedi-
I started my career as a teacher at University of Agra in 1977 .I continued to teach there till 1995 with dedication and commitment .In 1995, I was appointed as Director, AICTE. I continued there till 1999 and gained lots of experience in management education. The second big change in my career came when I got invitation from Birla group in 1999 to join BIMTECH as a director. The third big change occurred when I was asked to develop a new campus at Greater Noida in 2004 – which has now become a permanent abode for management education. In the year 2013, we were able to launch another campus of BIMTECH in Bhubaneswar –which has since 2016, started functioning as Birla Global University.


Insurance Times-
Which role you enjoy the more – the academician or the administrator or both..?

Dr. Harivansh Chaturvedi-
I started my career as an academician, learnt the art of administration at AICTE .Currently my role is a mix of academic leadership and administrator. Both kinds of roles are enjoyable to me.


Insurance Times-
 How do you unwind… despite your very busy schedule?

Dr. Harivansh Chaturvedi-
I have a good habit of reading books and periodicals for which I devote two to three hours’ time every day. Occasionally, I write articles and also publish books on different themes. I am also fond of listening to classical, semi-classical and popular music by using Bluetooth technology.




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