The Motor Accident Claims Tribunal has directed the owner of a car and an insurance firm to pay Rs.1.03 crore to family members of a Havildar of the Indian Army, who was killed in a road accident involving the same vehicle.

The Tribunal has directed the car owner and insurer to pay the amount within three months of the announcement of the decision.

Failing to do so, they would be liable to pay 7.5 percent interest per annum from the date of filing of complaint by the victim’s family till the amount is realized.

The complaint was filed by the deceased’s wife, parents and two minor sons against the owner of the Swift Car Harbhajan Singh and the National Insurance Company with which the vehicle was insured.

Advocate Swarndeep Singh, legal counsel for the complainant, said Amarjit Singh (29) working with the Army had died in a hit and run case while he was jogging near his home during his holidays. He added that the driver of the car had fled from the place but the registration plate had fallen at the place from which the vehicle was tracked.

He said the brother-in-law of the deceased was also with him when the accident occurred. He added that the tribunal has directed the opposite party to deposit the amount with it in three months.

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This entry is part 12 of 15 in the series November 2021 - Insurance Times


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