The Supreme Court has recently criticized the Calcutta High Court for dismissing the appeal of a woman without giving reasons. She had appealed on behalf of her 10-year-old son who suffered a permanent disability of 70 per cent in a road accident. The motor accident compensation tribunal awarded Rs. 2 lakh to him. The mother appealed to the high court against the miserly amount. 

But the high court summarily dismissed it. Allowing her appeal, Rupa Roy vs New India Assurance, the Supreme Court observed that “In the absence of any discussion and reasoning, we are at a loss to know as to what persuaded the high court to dismiss the appeal”. It stated that in view of permanent disability and the expense and agony involved in looking after the boy, it would be “just and proper” to raise the compensation to Rs. 10 lakh with 6 percent interest.

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This entry is part 8 of 20 in the series September 2019 - Insurance Times


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