1. It is important for a policyholder to understand the terms and conditions of the policy that has been purchased. Since a policy document may be fraught with legalese, it is imperative to have a document that explains in simple words, the basic features with regard to the policy and provides necessary information.
  2. With the above objective in mind, the customer information sheet (CIS) has been devised and is to be provided by insurers to all policyholders.
  3. It is observed that several complaints are still emanating as a result of asymmetry of information between insurer and the policyholder.
  4. In this backdrop, the existing customer information sheet has been improved and now seeks to convey basic information about the policy purchased in a manner that is easily understood.
  5. The revised format of CIS (Annexure-A) shall be implemented w.e.f. 01.01.2024.
  6. Compliance of the following shall be ensured:
  7. Insurers, intermediaries and agents shall forward the Customer Information Sheet to all policyholders and acknowledgement, physical or digital, shall be duly obtained.
  8. Customer Information Sheet shall be made available in local language if the policyholder so desires.

        iii.    The CIS shall have minimum font size 12″ (Arial) or above.

  1. All details provided for in the CIS shall be duly filled in.
  2. The policy document forwarding letter shall contain a cross reference to the CIS.

This circular is being issued in terms of Regulation 26 of I RDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations,2016.

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This entry is part 13 of 14 in the series December 2023 - Insurance Times


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