This is further to circular no. IRDA/MISC/CIR/225/10/2012 dated 03.10.2012 on Integrated Surveyors Licensing Management System.
The authority is in process of launching the web-based Integrated Licensing Management System very shortly, which would enable submission of Trainee Enrollment Forms, application of grant of fresh / renewal / modified licenses online.
Further, it may be noted that the said online licensing system would enable the submission of applications of those surveyors (both individual / corporate director & partners) who hold a valid license in their name as on the date of application and duly categorized.
In view of the above, the following surveyors
- Individual surveyors who are not categorized
- Partners / Directors of the firm / company who have surrendered and not renewed their individual licenses
are required to do the needful at the earliest to ensure that their licenses are in force and categorized.
Sudha Ramanujam
Deputy Director (Surveyors)