The insurance industry which is having troubles presently with natural disasters is likely to see some of its current troubles dissipate with the coming of higher premiums in emerging markets, said a recently released report by the Swiss Re.

As rates grow in these markets, insurers will have a better time managing surplus capacity issues that have been brought to light due to economic turmoil and the onslaught of natural disasters. Swiss Re anticipates that rates will grow at a moderate pace in the short term, with global premiums likely to rise by an average of 2.4%.

According to the report, the markets in China and India are expected to see the most change when it comes to the insurance industry in the coming years. These countries have been introducing new regulations that are meant to mitigate the economic risks they face in their association with the insurance industry. The report has stated that global insurance industry has been seeing a great deal of activity recently, some of which  has been considered somewhat negative. The negative

issues that the industry has had to deal with are largely associated with powerful natural disasters that have occurred in some parts of the world in recent months. 

The report shows that natural disasters are not the only things creating turmoil within the industry, however, and flagging life insurance demand, as well as turbulent growth in emerging markets, is also having a major impact on the industry as a whole.






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