Lloyd’s has recently announced that its market-leading Family Care Policies are going to be extended to cover all itscolleagues, globally.

The policies are designed to provide employees with the support they need to enjoy happy and healthy working and home lives, whatever that looks like for them. The insurer provides significantly more enhanced benefits than statutory entitlements, and in some cases provide new rights to which employees are not currently entitled to under statute. This is part of our genuine commitment to making Lloyd’s an employer of choice.

In a further development of these policies, Lloyd’s informed that from January 1, 2020 it is extending UK family care provisions to all global employees. This family care provision provides 26 weeks paid leave for primary or secondary care givers when you start a family, with an additional four weeks full pay to support a phased return to work. It is not gender-specific and applies regardless of how our people want to start a family, and regardless of length of service.



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