A consumer court here has ordered an insurance company to reimburse the expenditure on medical treatment for lung cancer after the company refused mediclaim on the grounds that the patient was a chain smoker and contracted cancer due to his smoking.

The consumer court said there was no proof that the cancer had been caused by the patient’s smoking habit.

The case involved one Alok Kumar Banerjee from Thaltej, who underwent treatment for adenocarcinoma of the lung from Vedanta Institute of Medical Science in July 2014 and incurred a medical bill of Rs 93,297. He had medical insurance cover. But his claim was rejected by the insurer.

After Banerjee passed away, his widow Smita sued the insurer in 2016 in the  Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, Ahmedabad (additional), where the insurance company took the defence that Banerjee was treated in different hospitals for his illness, which had a direct nexus with his smoking habit, and that this was reflected in his case papers.

The consumer commission did not agree. It cited a higher forum’s order and said that a discharge summary itself cannot be treated as primary or conclusive evidence in the absence of any independent proof.

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This entry is part 10 of 15 in the series November 2021 - Insurance Times


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