Mr. Hitesh K. Khusalani 


Iffco Tokio General Ins. Co. Ltd.

Claim for theft of two wheeler vehicle was rejected on the ground that the intimation of the theft was not given to the insurer in time. The vehicle was stolen on 25.09.2016. FIR was lodged with the police on 14.10.2016 and the insurer was intimated on 17.10.2016. The insurer submitted that policy condition No.1 necessitated immediate intimation to the insurer as well as to the police authorities. The representative of the respondent stressed the need for the urgent intimation in order to enable both the insurer and the police authorities to take immediate steps to trace the stolen vehicle. In this case the intimation was late by 22 days and it deprived the insurer of the opportunity to trace the vehicle. Therefore the claim was repudiated. Repudiation was upheld.

The complaint failed to succeed.

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This entry is part 6 of 15 in the series September 2021 - Insurance Times


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