Here are 10 FAQs on General Insurance Claims in India:


Q1. How do I file a general insurance claim?

Notify Your Insurer: Immediately inform them about the incident leading to the claim.

Submit Documents: Provide necessary documents like policy copy, FIR (if relevant), medical reports, repair estimates, etc.

Claim Form: Fill the insurer’s claim form with accurate details.


Q2. What’s the difference between cashless claims and reimbursement claims?

Cashless: Available for network hospitals (health) or garages (motor). The insurer settles the bill directly.

Reimbursement: You pay the expenses upfront and the insurer reimburses you later based on eligible costs.


Q3. What is the typical time frame for general insurance claim settlement?

It varies depending on the policy type and claim complexity. IRDAI guidelines stipulate timelines for insurers to follow, but simpler claims might be settled faster.


Q4. What are the common reasons for general insurance claim rejection?

Non-disclosure of pre-existing conditions (health insurance)

Driving under the influence of alcohol (motor insurance)

Damage outside the policy’s coverage period and not adhering to claim filing timelines and exclusions specified in the policy


Q5. Can I dispute a rejected general insurance claim?

Yes. First, contact your insurer to understand the reasons. If unsatisfied, escalate to the insurer’s grievance redressal mechanism or approach the Insurance Ombudsman for further resolution.


Q6. What is a surveyor’s role in general insurance claims?

Insurers appoint surveyors to assess large or complex claims. Verify the cause of loss or damage and estimate the extent of damage and cost of repair or replacement

Q7. What should I do if I’m unhappy with the claim settlement amount?

Review your policy documents and the reason for the settlement amount. Discuss with your insurer and negotiate if there’s a disagreement. Use the grievance redressal mechanism or approach the Insurance Ombudsman.


Q8. Does my No Claim Bonus (NCB) affect my claim settlement?

No, your claim settlement is based on the loss incurred. However, making a claim will lead to losing your NCB for the next renewal.


Q9. What are the documents typically required for a general insurance claim?

Varies by policy type, but some common ones include:  Claim form Policy copy FIR (in case of accidents, theft) Medical reports (for health claims) Repair bills, invoices


Q10. Are there any tips for a smooth general insurance claim process?

Read your policy carefully to understand the coverage and exclusions.  Notify your insurer as soon as possible.  Maintain all relevant documents and receipts.  Cooperate with the insurer and the surveyor during the process.



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