It may be recalled that the creation of the database started with the issuance of Point of Sales person guidelines. The purpose was to check deduplication of POS enrolled by insurers and insurance intermediaries. Therefore, the Aadhaar number was taken as the unique identifying field to check deduplication.

 Going forward it was viewed that the same logic could be extended to insurance agents and trained and qualified persons of insurance intermediaries that would include broker qualified persons, specified persons of corporate agents, authorised verifiers for web aggregators with Aadhaar number as the unique identifying field.

 Since IIB has successfully demonstrated the understanding and capabilities in developing the Point of Salesperson portal, the Authority is of the view that such a portal shall be developed and housed in IIB. 

 In order to achieve the objective, IIB has been asked to develop the portal for uploading the Aadhaar number and other details of insurance agents on the lines of POS. The insurers are therefore advised to collect the same so as to be ready to upload the necessary information on the date to be communicated by the Authority in due course

 The same portal will also be available to insurance intermediaries. The insurance intermediaries are also advised to collect the Aadhaar number and other details of trained and qualified persons of insurance intermediaries so as to be ready to upload the necessary information on the date to be communicated by the Authority in due course.

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This entry is part 19 of 21 in the series August 2017-Insurance Times


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