Ahmedabad Ombudsman Centre

Case No. NIA / 1 / 279

Mr. Ashok H. Suthar


The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.

Claim under Householders’ Insurance Policy. The Complainant’s Tenement was damaged by Earthquake. The Building was 29 years old. Respondent appointed Surveyor & Loss Assessor who in turn, submitted his Report assessing the gross loss at Rs. 21670/- and after depreciation @, 50% and token deduction of salvage value of Rs.200/-, the net loss was assessed at Rs.11205/-. Complainant consented to the valuation by countersigning the Valuation Report. Accordingly, 

Respondent sent Discharge Voucher of Rs.11205/- to the Complainant which was not executed by him. Respondent submitted that Claim for damages caused by Earthquake is only payable and pre-existed damages to the structure is not payable. Complainant admitted during Hearing that when he purchased the Building, it was damaged, but argued that the Surveyor did not take into account the actual damages suffered to the Building. 

This forum did not interfere in the quantification of loss, as the same was consented by the Complainant with his countersignature. Directed the Respondent to pay Rs.11205/-, with simple interest @ 7.5% per annum on the sum to be calculated from 14-9-2001.

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This entry is part 18 of 24 in the series October 2017-Insurance Times


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