Mediclaim Policy

Ahmedabad Ombudsman Centre

Case No. NIA / 1 / 300

Mr. K. N. Prajapati


The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.

Complainant was admitted in a Hospital from 30.09.02 to 03.10.02 under the care of Dr. Doshi. Respondents repudiated the claim based on the opinion of their MR Dr. V. C. Parikh that the Complainant had Malarial Parasites 7 days before his hospitalisation because the Pathological test done on 28.09.2002 did not show any blood parasites, and further that either Consulting Doctor or Treating Doctor had advised the Insurer for hospitalisation. It was the Complainant’s argument that he consulted Dr. Doshi on 24.09.02, and Dr. Doshi diagnosed it as malaria Fever and under medical advice, urine and blood tests were conducted. Documents perused. It is observed that the Complainant had consulted three more Doctors before consulting Dr. Doshi, and except Dr. Doshi, all other Doctors had prescribed medicines and recommended pathological tests. The pathological test conducted on 28.09.2002 did not show any Blood Parasite. It is also observed from the Discharge Card of Dr. Doshi’s Hospital that the past history of the patient has been noted as “No history of major illness, no fever, head – ache for 3 days, vomiting twice, giddiness”.

Further, no document could be found to establish that the hospitalisation was under advice of any Doctors and hence, the condition of the Complainant at the time of admission in the Hospital was such as not to warrant hospitalisation. Repudiation upheld.

Series Navigation<< Mera Wealth Plan from MetLife Insurance Company LimitedAhmedabad Ombudsman Dismisses Mediclaim Complaint Due to Delay in Representation by Mr. Ashok B. Shah >>


This entry is part 8 of 21 in the series August 2017-Insurance Times


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