We have pleasure to announce that our journal ‘The Insurance Times’ is going to complete its 37th Year of purpose in the 37th Year of publication with the December, 2017 issue. We are going to enter the 38th Year of our journey from January, 2018.

It is our editorial team’s effort that could make possible the uninterrupted publication during its 37 years of journey without compromising with quality, timeliness as well as cost of supply to our valued subscribers.

We shall remain indebted to our esteemed authors who always penned thought provoking articles and provided a roadmap for development of the Insurance Industry.
We at our end always tried to bring in new publications on different subjects of insurance be it for promotional exams of non life insurers or guides for various exams of Insurance Institute of India.

The Insurance Industry is growing rapidly during the last few years with the increase in economic activities in the country apart from bilateral political tie ups with other countries world over.

LICI may get IRDAI’s relief for investment cap in PSBS since Govt. of India announced fresh capital investments of Rs.2 lac covers in selected PSBS which may be routed through LICI’s investment.

Aadhaar and PAN numbers are made mandatory for insuring public and commercial units to avoid frauds in the insurance sector.



This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series December 2017-Insurance Times

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