Chennai Ombudsman Centre

Case No.IO(CHN) 11.04.1339 / 2008-09

Mr. G. Vasikaran


United India Insurance Co. Ltd

Award No.112/2008-09

Mr Vasikaran, a practicing architect, had paid the premium for a professional indemnity policy for the past two years. In the first year, he had received only the receipt and for the second year not even the receipt was received. The insurer did not issue policy documents for both years. The complainant contends that in 2005-06, he had not submitted any proposal and policy was issued.

No doubt there is laxity on the part of the field official of the insurer but the complainant being a well informed person and who required the insurance protection as part of his professional dealings with large scale construction activities, should have demanded the proposal form to ensure that he had the requisite protection. After all, a professional indemnity policy is a prerequisite for any architect to undertake projects in the state/country and not merely a token to be produced before government and other international agencies.

As per the available records, an amount said to be premium has been deposited into the personal savings bank account of a company official who is in charge of a “one Man Office” of the insurer. In these circumstances, since the insurer has not received premium, there is no deficiency on the part of the insurer in issue of the policy. However, the actions of a responsible official of a leading Public Sector insurer, has been thoroughly unprofessional. On the other hand, the dealings and transactions are of personal nature and are to be resolved between the individuals to be addressed through other forums including the higher authorities of the insurer. As such, the Complaint is dismissed.

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This entry is part 7 of 16 in the series March 2017- Insurance Times


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