The clouds of COVID menace have not yet vanished, Yet there is emergence of several associated diseases. The major loss was due to insufficiency of oxygen to the dying patients despite WHO giving several instructions for prevention of COVID like maintaining social distance and usage of mask, yet the major loss of death could not be reduced and that was mainly due to insufficiency of oxygen, by usage of ventilators, oxygen cylinders etcetera and people sadly suffocated to death.

Our society is adorned with eminent scientist, doctors, engineers and manufacturers yet no successful device of supply of oxygen was available on necessity and emergency.

Although I’m not an eminent person to suggest any device, in a very humble capacity I had suggested the usage of mask in supply of oxygen. While some doctors had appreciated the view but who has time to modify and develop this idea in the interest of humanity

My submission is simple. The COVID mask had to be improved in the way that near the nose piece a small pocket must be made to keep oxygen producing tablets like the naphthalene balls which should release oxygen for at least 24 hours and such mask should be a washable and usable to be made economical to every poor user. And after usage of these mask another oxygen tablet had to be placed in the side pocket of the mask near the nose.


 When oxygen can be stored in cylinders for usage there must be possibility of making oxygen balls like naphthalene balls which should give the smell of usage of oxygen sufficient to satisfy the need of suffocating user. The quality and usefulness of oxygen embedded in the oxygen tablets should be in the wisdom of scientists and doctors as per their research. If such tablets are placed in the mask every day much of the problem of the patients would be solved.

However this is a humble submission to our scientist and doctors and WHO authorities. I think much of the problem of suffocating patients would be solved for running for oxygen cylinders and ventilators and at the same time it will be a human service for humanity.

I  wonder who will wear the cap with the feather of pride for service to humanity, at large.

Kindly don’t take it as a word of degradation from my side and pardon in the interest of humanity, at this fag end of my life.

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This entry is part 2 of 18 in the series October 2024-Insurance Times

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