Syed Meraj Naqvi is a visionary leader known for his astute business sense and a proven history of propelling overall growth. With over a 15-year career in the insurance industry, he has consistently guided the company towards profitability and carving a prominent position in the market. Today, Naqvi has plans to integrate cutting-edge technology in the insurance and risk management industry and provide seamless experience to small & medium businesses. Thus, he aims to create insurance products and risk management services that involve a mixed model of POS and direct engagement, facilitated by robust software solutions.

Naqvi emphasizes on continuous learning and has established a research and development team within his organization to collaborate with insurers and other strategic partners.

Drawing from his rich experience, he saw a huge opportunity in gaps among the small businesses across tier-1 and tier-2 cities. As per IRDA data, nearly 85% of the MSMEs in India are uninsured. Although, small & medium business has been instrumental in contributing to the overall growth of the insurance industry. Thus, when he started his entrepreneurial venture, he aimed to serve SMEs and MSMEs with specifically designed, insurance and risk management products, leveraging the affinity model for effective sales.

Syed Meraj Naqvi’s commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainable growth positions him as a dynamic leader in the insurance sector, ready to take on new challenges while utilizing his exposure to transform small businesses.

Naqvi has a strong foundation in commerce and holds an MBA in Marketing and IT from the Institute of Environment & Management in Lucknow.

Question 1: Can you share the story behind the founding of Riskbirbal Insurance Brokers and the unique services and solutions that Riskbirbal offers to its clients?

With over 15 years in the insurance industry, I’ve focused on steering our company toward profitability and market leadership. Recognizing gaps in policy understanding and time-consuming processes, we founded Riskbirbal Insurance Brokers to offer quick, AI-driven solutions. Our goal is to educate and empower businesses, particularly SMEs, about the importance of risk coverage beyond just loss prevention. By leveraging AI, IoT, and a process-driven CRM, we streamline policy drafting and enhance client engagement, positioning ourselves as a key partner in improving business productivity and expanding market reach.

Question 2: How do you see the current state of the insurance industry, and what trends do you believe are shaping its future?

The Indian insurance industry is experiencing dynamic growth and transformation, driven by several key trends and developments. Despite being one of the fastest-growing sectors, insurance penetration in India remains relatively low compared to global standards. However, increasing awareness and regulatory support are gradually improving this scenario.

Digital transformation, including Insurtech innovations, mobile apps, AI, and user-friendly platforms, is reshaping the industry. Regulatory changes by IRDAI, promoting ease of business and encouraging foreign investments, are also pivotal. The industry is witnessing a shift towards health and wellness-focused products, as well as the development of diverse offerings to cater to the needs of new-age customers.

At Riskbirbal, we are embracing digital tools like AI-driven CRM systems and online quote generators to enhance efficiency and client engagement. Our focus on SMEs and the MSME segment, coupled with our role as educators in a de-tariffed era, underscores our commitment to providing tailored advice and comprehensive risk assessments. Collaboration with Insurtech firms and adherence to regulatory compliance further positions us at the forefront of the industry’s evolution.

Question 3: What are the most significant challenges the insurance industry is facing today, and how do you think they can be addressed?

The insurance industry faces several significant challenges, including low penetration rates, evolving customer expectations, regulatory complexities, and the need for digital transformation. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach. Increasing insurance awareness through education, especially in underpenetrated segments like SMEs, is crucial. Embracing digital transformation, including AI and IoT, will help streamline processes and improve customer engagement.

Navigating regulatory complexities requires staying updated and investing in compliance infrastructure. Finally, fostering innovation in product offerings and maintaining a customer-centric approach will be key to overcoming these challenges.

Question 4: Can you discuss the impact of digital transformation on the insurance industry and how it is changing the way insurance is bought and sold?

Digital transformation is revolutionizing the insurance industry, changing how insurance is bought and sold. AI-driven platforms, mobile apps, and user-friendly digital interfaces enable customers to easily compare policies, obtain quotes, and purchase insurance online. This shift towards digitalization has not only made insurance more accessible but also more transparent and customer-focused. At Riskbirbal, we leverage AI and CRM systems to streamline policy drafting and enhance client engagement, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience for our clients.

Question 5: How has the role of insurance brokers evolved in recent years, and what do you see as their future role in the industry?

The role of insurance brokers has evolved significantly in recent years, with a growing emphasis on digitalization, education, and collaboration. Brokers now play a crucial role in educating customers about complex insurance products, providing tailored advice, and ensuring comprehensive risk assessments. Digital tools, such as AI-driven CRM systems, have enhanced brokers’ efficiency and reach. Looking ahead, brokers will continue to serve as trusted advisors, leveraging technology to offer innovative solutions and maintain competitive advantage in a rapidly changing industry.

Question 6: How do you think regulatory changes are impacting the insurance industry, and what should companies do to stay compliant?

Regulatory changes are significantly impacting the insurance industry in several ways. Enhanced customer protection, increased competition, and the need for operational compliance are just a few of the challenges insurers face. To stay compliant, companies must stay updated with regulatory changes, invest in compliance infrastructure, conduct internal audits, enhance data protection measures, and ensure transparency with customers. At Riskbirbal, we prioritize collaboration with regulatory authorities and proactive engagement to ensure timely compliance and maintain trust with our clients.

Question 7: What role do you see for artificial intelligence and machine learning in risk assessment and underwriting processes in the insurance industry?

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are poised to play a transformative role in risk assessment and underwriting processes. These technologies can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns, assess risks, and make more accurate predictions. This not only speeds up the underwriting process but also improves its accuracy and efficiency. At Riskbirbal, we are actively exploring the integration of AI and machine learning to enhance our risk management capabilities and deliver more personalized and effective solutions to our clients.

Question 8: Can you elaborate on the significance of personalized insurance products and how they are influencing customer satisfaction and retention?

Personalized insurance products are increasingly significant due to their ability to cater to the specific needs and preferences of individual customers. These tailored solutions enhance customer satisfaction by providing relevant coverage, improving engagement through interactive platforms, and fostering loyalty through ongoing relationships. At Riskbirbal, we offer personalized products that meet unique customer needs, resulting in higher retention rates and positive word-of-mouth referrals. Our focus on customization and customer-centric solutions is central to our strategy for building long-term client relationships.

Question 9: Any other development you would like to share?

At Riskbirbal, we are constantly innovating to enhance customer experience and shape the future of the insurance industry. Our latest developments, such as Well Connect, a platform for seamless client communication and engagement, and Risk Inspection, which offers advanced risk assessment services supported by AI and IoT technologies, reflect our dedication to leveraging technology for better service. We have also introduced MSME Property Products, specialized insurance solutions tailored for the MSME segment, and comprehensive Assets Valuation services to ensure accurate coverage. Additionally, our Policy Audit and Customization service offers tailored policy reviews to optimize coverage, while our AI and IoT support for risk management further enhances our risk assessment capabilities. These initiatives underscore our commitment to providing innovative, client-centric solutions that drive the industry forward.

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This entry is part 11 of 18 in the series September 2024-Insurance Times


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