Bhubaneswar Ombudsman Center

Complaint No.14-003-0517

Sri Balaram Barik


National Insurance Co. Ltd.

Bhubaneswar D.O-II

The Complainant had insured his Fancy Dress Store through a Shopkeeper’s Policy & Fire Policy with National Insurance Co. Ltd. There was a fire due to an electrical short circuit on 21.10.2007 and the stocks, furniture, fixtures and fittings were gutted. Complainant had claimed compensation of Rs. 10,20,025/-. The Insurance Company has not settled the claim yet.

The Hon’ble Ombudsman heard the case on 18.03.2009 where both parties were present. After hearing both parties and perusing the documents Hon’ble Ombudsman observed that the damage due to fire is not disputed and the assessment of loss by the surveyor is justified. Hence directed Insurer to pay Rs 8,33,275/- to complainant within 30 days from date of receipt of consent letter.

Series Navigation<< Kochi Ombudsman Directs National Insurance to Pay Fire Claim Balance with InterestGuiding Principles for Pricing of Risk >>


This entry is part 11 of 14 in the series July 2017-Insurance Times


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