

United India Insurance

Mr. Subhash, the complainant has stated that his motorcycle was stolen on 03.11.2015 and though he had submitted all the required documents to the insurer, his claim was repudiated by the insurance company on the ground of delay in intimation. The complainant stated that his motorcycle bearing registration number UP 16 AA 9544 was stolen on 03.11.2015. Immediately, the incident of theft of the vehicle was reported to the insurer on telephone and to the police on 21.11.2015. Thereafter, he approached the insurer to submit written intimation to the policy issuing office but they refused to receive the letter and directed him to approach their Claim Hub. The complainant further stated that the officials of the insurer had harassed him a lot and made him run from one office to another for submission of intimation letter, hence, alleged delay in submission of intimation to the insurer was not his fault alone. The insurer stated that the incident of theft occurred on 03.11.2015 but the complainant had submitted an intimation letter to them on 08.12.2015 i.e after 34 days. The complainant was asked to explain reasons of undue delay in intimation but he could not give any convincing reply.

The complainant admitted that there was some delay in intimation to the insurer and to the police but the incident of theft was confirmed by the police in their final report dated 31.12.2015; hence, repudiation of the claim was not justified. Ongoing through the documents exhibited and the oral submissions, it is observed that the incident of theft had actually occurred as confirmed by the Police authorities also in their Final Investigation report dated 31.12.2015. However, there was some negligence on the part of the complainant as he did not inform the insurer in writing, immediately after theft of the vehicle. Considering the fact that theft of the vehicle cannot be disputed, The Insurance Company is directed to settle the claim on sub standard basis instead of repudiation.

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This entry is part 12 of 18 in the series July 2018 - Insurance Times


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