A 59-year-old woman filed a complaint against Anuj Gulati, MD and CEO of Religare Health Insurance, Vijay Bhaskar, Religare’s Bengaluru manager and 13 others including doctors at Diya Healthcare, for producing fake medical bills on her insurance policy and claiming it without her knowledge.

Rathna Bai, a resident of Vyalikaval, alleged in her complaint that the accused forged medical certificates of her health checkup and despite knowing they are fake, Dr Vijay S, product head of Religare, submitted them to the insurance ombudsman in Bengaluru in June, 2018.

“When I bought a health insurance policy from Religare in 2014, I was not asked to undergo a health check up. I did not undergo treatment. But Dr Vijay along with Ramnique Sachar, corporate manager, Prashanth Singh, legal manager and Khushpreet Singh, head of claims medical, all from Religare, have helped create fake documents and submitted the same to the insurance ombudsman,” Rathna Bai said in the complaint.

“Religare acquired the fake documents from Diya Healthcare in Nandhini Layout. Dr Mary Usha D and Chetan of Diya Healthcare along with Religare officials forged the medical certificates,” she alleged in the complaint. Rathna Bai further stated that Diya Healthcare’s registration license number is not matching the serial number issued by the district health officer in Bengaluru and that it was not renewed.

There are no records, neither in Karnataka Medical Council nor in Medical Council of India, about the registration of Dr Mary Usha D. There are no documents regarding the registration of Diya Healthcare as well. The accused showed that Rathna Bai had undergone medical treatment at Diya Healthcare, with documents attested by the doctors there. Even Bai’s signature was forged. Khushpreet Singh, head, claims medical, Religare Health Insurance, contacted Bai’s daughter and offered 15% commission to clear the insurance claim, which she rejected. Mohamed Asraf Khan, zonal head of Religare in Koramangala and Mohammed Noorulla had submitted a fake consent letter from Vikram hospital, Bai learnt in July, 2018.

Series Navigation<< Age of Deceased, not age of dependent, Material in Computing Insurance Claim: SCWithdrawal of Instructions issued on reporting of payouts to Insurance Agents and Insurance Intermediaries >>


This entry is part 11 of 20 in the series September 2019 - Insurance Times


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