Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India has issued a stern warning to its policyholders regarding fraudulent offers to buy their existing insurance policies. This advisory comes in response to rising incidents of scams where fraudsters lure policyholders with promises of higher returns or immediate cash payouts.

LIC has emphasized that these offers are scams designed to deceive and cheat policyholders. The corporation has urged its customers to exercise caution and refrain from engaging with such fraudulent schemes. To safeguard their interests, LIC advises policyholders to report any such suspicious activities immediately to the nearest LIC office or through its official website.

The primary goal of this warning is to protect policyholders from potential financial losses and maintain the integrity and security of their insurance policies. LIC remains committed to ensuring the safety and satisfaction of its customers and continues to take proactive measures against fraud and scams in the insurance sector.

Main Points:

  1. Fraudulent Offers Alert: LIC has issued a warning to policyholders about scams involving offers to purchase their existing insurance policies.
  2. Scam Details: These fraudulent schemes promise higher returns or immediate cash payouts to deceive policyholders.
  3. Safety Advice: LIC advises policyholders to be cautious and not entertain such offers.
  4. Reporting Mechanism: Policyholders are encouraged to report any suspicious activities to the nearest LIC office or through the official LIC website.
  5. Protection Objective: The warning aims to protect policyholders from potential financial losses and ensure the integrity of their insurance policies.



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