Ravi Thakkar


Cholamandalam M S General Ins. Co. Ltd

The complainant had purchased a second hand car and the ownership of the vehicle was transferred in his name in the books of the RTO.on 24.11.5015 a day before the accident. He informed the insurer on 24.11.2015 about the change of the ownership of the insured vehicle through SMS. The claim for own damage of the vehicle was not paid stating that the policy covering the vehicle could not be endorsed before the happening of the accident as the intimation for endorsement and the necessary payment for affecting the change was done on 27.11.2015, after the accident. The insurer denied having received the intimation through SMS on 24.11.2015. G R 17 of India Motor Tariff rule relating to transfer of vehicle allows 14 days time to the purchaser of the vehicle to inform the insurer to record the change of ownership. Here in this case the insurer was informed within this time limit. Unfortunately the accident happened so suddenly on the next day and it did not allow the purchaser to inform the insurer before the misshape.

In view of this, the complaint was admitted and an award for Rs.11651/- was made in favor of the complainant. 

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This entry is part 9 of 15 in the series September 2021 - Insurance Times


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