1. Objective:

The Objective of these guidelines is to standardize the general terms and clauses incorporated in indemnity based Health Insurance [excluding Personal Accident (hereinafter called as PA) and Domestic / Overseas Travel] products by simplifying the wordings of general terms and clauses of the policy contracts and ensure uniformity across the industry.

These Guidelines are issued under the provisions of Section 34(1) of the Insurance Act, 1938 read with Regulation 20 and Schedule III of IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016.

2. Applicability:

These Guidelines are applicable to all General and Health Insurers offering indemnity based Health Insurance (excluding PA and Domestic / Overseas Travel) products (both Individual and Group).

The provisions of these guidelines shall be applicable to the indemnity based Health Insurance [excluding Personal Accident (hereinafter called as PA) and Domestic / Overseas Travel] products filed as per Guidelines on Product Filing in Health Insurance Business on or after 01st October, 2020. All policy contracts of the existing health insurance products that are not in compliance with these guidelines shall be modified as and when they are due for renewal from 01st April, 2021 onwards.

3. Other Provisions:

3.1 Where these general terms and clauses are used, Insurers shall incorporate the same wordings as prescribed in Annexure – 1 of these guidelines.

3.2 Insurers may incorporate other general terms and clauses in the product as per their product design in order to ensure an informed choice to the prospects/insured persons.

3.3 Insurers may suitably modify the general terms and clauses of the policy contract prospectively based on the Regulations or Guidelines that may be issued by the Authority from time to time.

4. Definitions: The words used herein and defined in the Insurance Act, 1938, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 and Regulations notified thereunder shall have the same meaning as assigned to them respectively.

 5. This has the approval of the competent authority.


Series Navigation<< Disclosure of underwriting philosophy of offering Insurance coverage to Persons with Disability (PWD) and people affected with HIV/AIDS and Mental Illness diseases.Interview with Mr Malay Kumar Poddar: Chairman-cum-Managing Director Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited >>Extension of time limit applicable to Public Disclosures on websites >>


This entry is part 5 of 15 in the series June 2020 - Insurance Times


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