1. IRDAI invites applications for empanelment of professional(s) for translation of various documents of general, legal & technical nature from English to Hindi and vice-versa. The Individuals/Firms and Retired Officials (from Government Departments, PSUs, Regulatory Bodies) possessing the qualifications and experience as mentioned in the para 4 may apply.
  2. The professionals should be competent and proficient in both the languages i.e. Hindi and English and should be well conversant with the legal and technical terminology being used in the domain of Insurance.
  3. Nature of Translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa

      (i) Translation of various general, legal and technical references, documents, manuals, other publications etc.

      (ii)       Translation of Bills, Acts, Legislations, Regulations, Notifications, Circulars, Orders etc.

      (iii)      Translation of Parliament questions, Parliament Assurances, Notes for supplementary, Translation of VIP references and RTI communications

      (iv)      Translation of notes of various Parliamentary Committees.

      (v)       Translation of Annual Report, and Audit Reports

      (vi)      Any other translation work as per the requirement of IRDAI

 The translation work will entail typing, vetting and Authentication of translated documents. The translated version in both soft and hard copy form, as required has to be submitted. Please ensure that all the submitted documents submitted by you are self-attested

  1. Educational, Professional Qualifications:

      (i) Master’s degree of a recognized University in Hindi and English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


            Recognized Diploma or Certificate course in translation from Hindi to English and vice versa or two years’ experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in any Government Department/PSU/Regulatory Body

      (ii)       Retired Government officials not above the age of 65 years, possessing the above qualifications and having the experience of translation and typing work relating to the nature of subjects as mentioned in para 3 above

  1. Terms and conditions:

      (i) The empanelled Professionals/firms shall be bound by the Confidentiality Clause, for which a Non-Disclosure Agreement has to be entered

      (ii)       The estimated number of pages which are to be translated per month shall be 60-400.

      (iii)      At the initial stage, the empanelment will be done for a period of two years from the date of commencement of empanelment. IRDAI shall reserve the right for extending it further for a period of one year at a time not exceeding overall extension of two years.

      (iv)      IRDAI also reserves the right to place orders with other than empaneled vendors based on its need.

      (v)       After empanelment, tenders will be called on a quarterly basis from the empaneled professional/firms indicating the possible volumes (based on the past 3 years average for the same months) and the professional/firm quoting the lowest rate shall be selected as L1 for assignment of translation work for the ensuing quarter.

      (vi)      In the event of any misrepresentation in the application form, the candidature shall be cancelled

      (vii)     A schedule for completing the job and delivery will be drawn and intimated by IRDAI, which needs to be strictly followed.

   (viii)    In case services of any translator is not found to be satisfactory, or if there is any noncompliance/deficiency in service, IRDAI shall be at liberty to remove such translator from the empaneled list.

      (ix)      The empanelment can be terminated by either party by serving one-month notice to the other party.

      (x)       TDS and all other taxes will be deducted as per applicable rules.

      (xi)      In case of any dispute, the decision of IRDAI would be final and binding.

      (xii)     IRDAI reserves the right to terminate the empanelment at any time without assigning any reason.

  1. Eligible and interested persons/firms may submit their application in the attached proforma. The prescribed proforma duly filled in may be submitted in a sealed cover clearly super-scribing it as ‘Empanelment of Translators in IRDAI’ to the General Manager, IRDAI, Administration Department, Sy. No. 115/1, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500032, latest by 6 pm on 24th December, 2021.

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This entry is part 8 of 13 in the series January 2022 - Insurance Times


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