
Marine insurance is a crucial component of international trade, safeguarding against losses due to damages to ships and their cargo. A fundamental principle in marine insurance is the concept of General Average, which is pivotal in situations where a sacrifice is made to save the voyage from an imminent peril.

Concept of General Average

General Average (GA) is a principle in maritime law whereby all parties in a sea voyage proportionately share the losses resulting from a voluntary sacrifice of part of the ship or cargo to save the whole in an emergency. This principle ensures that the financial burden of the losses is evenly distributed among all stakeholders.

Scenario Overview

Consider a scenario involving “TransOcean Ltd.”, a company that owns a cargo vessel transporting goods from Mumbai, India, to Durban, South Africa. The cargo includes various goods belonging to multiple shippers, with a total declared value of Rs.50,00,00,000.

Event Description

Midway through the voyage, the vessel encounters a severe storm, posing critical risks to the ship and its cargo. To stabilize the ship and prevent it from capsizing, the captain decides to jettison some of the cargo. This intentional act, deemed necessary and executed to save the voyage, falls under the category of General Average.

Details of the Sacrifice and the General Average Act

Specifics of the Jettisoned Cargo:

  • Cargo jettisoned: Containers of non-essential luxury goods.
  • Value of jettisoned cargo: Rs.5,00,00,000.

Calculation of General Average:

  • Total Value of Voyage: Rs.50,00,00,000 (total cargo value).
  • Value of Sacrificed Cargo: Rs.5,00,00,000.
  • General Average Contribution: Each stakeholder contributes proportionately to the Rs.5,00,00,000 based on the value of their cargo.

General Average Distribution: If a particular shipper had goods worth ₹10,00,00,000 on board, their share of the GA contribution would be calculated as follows:

  • Shipper’s Cargo Value: Rs.10,00,00,000.
  • Percentage of Total Cargo Value: (Rs.10,00,00,000 / Rs.50,00,00,000) x 100 = 20%.
  • General Average Contribution: 20% of Rs.5,00,00,000 = Rs.1,00,00,000.

This means the shipper would need to contribute Rs.1,00,00,000 towards the General Average to cover the losses of the jettisoned cargo.


By applying the General Average principle, the financial impact of the loss is fairly distributed among all cargo owners according to the value of their goods on board. This equitable distribution mitigates the potential financial strain on any single party, particularly in cases where high-value cargo is sacrificed for the greater good of all stakeholders.


The General Average principle in marine insurance is a vital concept that underscores the shared risks in maritime ventures. It plays a crucial role in decisions made during emergencies at sea, ensuring that sacrifices made to save a voyage do not unfairly burden a single party. This case study of TransOcean Ltd. demonstrates how General Average functions in real-life scenarios, reinforcing the importance of marine insurance in managing the inherent risks of sea transport. Through such mechanisms, marine insurance provides a safety net that facilitates the continuity of global trade, even in the face of adversities.



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